Thursday, December 26, 2019
Acute Health Effect Definition
An acute health effect is the effect caused by the initial exposure of a hazardous chemical on a human or animal body. When a hazardous materials acute health effect is listed, the effects are generally severe and dangerous adverse effects, but subside after the exposure stops. In contrast, chronic health effects persist following exposure, even if the exposure stops. Acute health effects typically appear immediately or shortly after exposure and occur after relatively high exposure to a hazardous substance. Examples of Acute Health Effects Common examples of acute health effects include: Allergic reactions (including anaphylactic shock)IrritationRashes or dry skinBurnsDermatitisMetal fume feverLethal Concentration (LC)LC50Hearing loss Note dermatitis may also occur as a chronic health effect. Lethal concentration is the amount of a substance that is immediately dangerous to life and may cause death. LC50 is the concentration of a substance that causes death to one half or 50% of test subjects.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Issue With The Death Penalty - 1555 Words
The Issues with the Death Penalty The death penalty is a very controversial subject for everyone, especially in the US. Some people think that it should be abolished and others think that it should stay a part of the government’s form of punishment. People think that the death penalty is a good way to deter crime because it should scare the person who is committing the crime. Some also feel that keeping the death penalty will cut down on government costs. The opposing side believes that the crimes would happen with or without the death penalty around. The different methods bring up many other issues as in are they humane or are they inhumane. Another argument they bring up is what is killing someone for killing someone teaching? An issue that come with the death penalty is, is it moral? Most find it not to be moral. Is there another way to teach that killing is not okay? But then, the death penalty is a cheaper route to go. Keeping a person in prison for 25+ years, people’s tax money is paying for the criminal to have 3 meals a day, medical help if needed, and a bed and place to sleep. So in some cases the criminal is living better off in prison than they were out of prison. What is the death penalty? The death penalty is the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime, like rape or murder. All of the states have different reasons to why someone would get the death penalty, but the one that occurs the most is murder. The governmentShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of The Death Penalty1795 Words  | 8 PagesWhen people hear the word death, it evokes many emotions; fear, sadness, uncertainty, the terror of the unknown. But, that hasn’t stopped anyone from enforcing the death penalty. Electrocution, Lethal Injection, Hangings, the Gas Chamber and the Firing squad are only a few types of execution methods practiced by the government over a prolonged time period. Some may think these sound like types of torture methods. Not humane ways to end a person s existence for unspeakable criminal acts. ( add moreRead MoreDeath Penalty: A Controversial Issue727 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿The death penalty has been an issue of controversy, causing many states in America to repeal it and call it inhumane. However, the truth is that many citizens are strongly divided on the issue and have strong opinions on whether the death penalty should indeed be kept and reinforced or whether it should just be abolished altogether. When analyzing this issue from a sociological perspective, conflict theory is best used as an argument against the death penalty. This sociological conflict theory isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Complex Issue924 Words  | 4 PagesCapital punishment is a complex issue with many different opinions and viewpoints. Deciding whether a person should be punished by death is not a trivial ordeal nor should it be treated as such. How do you know when a crime is punishable by death or not? â€Å"A popular bumper sticker says, ‘We kill people to show people that killing people is wrong’†(Carmical). This slogan misses the idea that the death penalty does not chastise peop le for killing, but for murder. Murder is the purposeful action ofRead MoreEthical Issues On Death Penalty1864 Words  | 8 PagesPaper: Ethical Issues On Death Penalty It is surprising to me how many people are actually pro capital punishment. For those who aren t too sure what capital punishment really is, it is the execution of a criminal who is legally convicted of a capital crime (i.e. murder). Even though the death penalty is the best way to punish criminals of their heinous crimes, I believe it is unethical because it is inhumane and hypocritical, it s way too costly, also, most criminals put on death row have psychologicalRead MoreDeath Penalty : A Controversial Issue2199 Words  | 9 Pages2014 Death Penalty When it comes to the topic of the death penalty, most of us will readily agree that it’s a controversial issue. On the one hand, many argue that the death penalty is cost effective. On the other hand, others say that capital punishment deters crime. In my own view, I don’t believe that the death penalty is cost effective or deters crime; capital punishment should not be given as a punishment for criminals who have committed first degree murder In my judgment the death penaltyRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Controversial Issue2057 Words  | 9 Pages It’s no secret that the death penalty is a very controversial issue in the United States. The death penalty has been around for centuries, but so has the movement to abolish it. Does the death penalty really need to be abolished? or are people just too sensitive to the issue? Origin The death penalty dates as far back as the eighteenth century B.C. The Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon established the death penalty for 25 different crimes. The death penalty was also a part of HittiteRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Controversial Issue1171 Words  | 5 PagesThe death penalty is a very controversial topic worldwide. People are either for the death penalty, or against it, and there is usually no changing their mind by introducing arguments that are contrary to their opinion. The death penalty debate is not a new one, â€Å"capital punishment [has been] practiced since colonial times despite persistent debates†(Jost). However, it was around the 1960s when countries began to abolish, or strictly restrain the death penalty (Jost). The death penalty has existedRead MoreEthical Issues Either for or Against the Death Penalty1403 Words  | 6 Pagesthere has been much controversy on the having juveniles charged with the death penalty for their actions.R ecent research into the costs of the death penalty in Florida revealed the state is spending as much as $1 million per inmate just for incarceration and appellate costs.Which in much cases is not at the economic reach of most states.Trial costs would add substantially to the states total. Florida has over 400 inmates on death row. By taking these inmates through this process it is much less expensiveRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is One Of The Most Controversial Issue1737 Words  | 7 PagesThe death penalty is one of the most controversial issues. It is an important issue because each side is very significant and they each have strong views. The five main points that will be discussed in this paper are; deterrence, loss of innocent lives, bias, retribution, and quality of the attorney. Both sides will be discussed; reasons to support the death penalty, and reasons not to support the death penalty. For the first point; deterrence, supporters of the penalty say that the death penalty Read MoreControversial Issues Regarding Juvenile Death Penalty2052 Words  | 9 PagesOne of the most controversial issues in the rights of juveniles today is addressed in the question, Should the death penalty be applied to juveniles? For nearly a century the juvenile courts have existed to shield the majority of juvenile offenders from the full weight of criminal law and to protect their entitled special rights and immunities. In the case of kent vs. United states in 1996, Justice Fortas stated some of these special rights which include; Protection from publicity, confinement only
Monday, December 9, 2019
Microsoft Merger and Acquisitions Case In Nokia
Question: Discuss about theMerger and Acquisitionsfor Case of Microsoft Acquisition in Nokia. Answer: Introduction In the present business scenario, the strategy of unit and rule is more followed than divide and rule. Today, the companies are coming together to join hands so that the resources could be utilized to the optimum level (Anderson, Havila, and Nilsson, 2012). In a merger and acquisition deal, two or more companies are consolidated to bring into existence a single entity. Merger and acquisition strategy can be quite handy for the companies operating in the same industry to get competitive advantages. In the recent years, the merger and acquisitions have increased rapidly, which is evident from the fact that in the year 2015 total merger and acquisition deals announced worldwide were $4.4 trillion. This was straightaway 42% higher than 2014 (Lam, 2016). In the context developed above, the discussion in this paper has been extended to the analysis of the effects of merger of Microsoft with Nokia. Microsoft announced acquisition of Nokias assets in the year 2013 for $7.90 billion. This paper addresses the synergy gains or losses and other effects of the merger on Microsoft. Synergies Arising from the Merger It is often seen in the merger and acquisitions deals that the buyer pays premium or extra charge over and above the value of net assets acquired in a merger deal. This premium or extra charge is paid for synergy gains that the buyer expects to reap out from that merger deal (Karenfort, 2011). Thus, synergy can be inferred to be the additional value created as a result of combining the operations of the two companies together. The synergy created by the merger could be financial and/or operating (Gaughan, 2013). The financial synergy is manifested in the increased debt capacity, improvement in the liquidity, tax benefits, and improved overall financial performance of the resulting company after merger. On the other hand, operating synergy is manifested in the economies of scale, reduced competition, and enhanced goodwill in the market (Gaughan, 2013). In the current case of Microsoft and Nokia merger, the evaluation of synergy has been made by analyzing the financial performance of the Microsoft pre and post merger. The facts and figures for pre acquisition period that relate to the period before the year 2014 have been analyzed as below: Table 1: Financial Performance of Microsoft before Merger $ Million 2010 2011 2012 2013 Average Revenues 62,484.00 69,943.00 73,723.00 77,849.00 70,999.75 Cost of operations 12,395.00 15,577.00 17,530.00 20,249.00 16,437.75 Gross margin 50,089.00 54,366.00 56,193.00 57,600.00 54,562.00 Gross margin ratio 80.16% 77.73% 76.22% 73.99% 77.03% Net margin 18,760.00 28,071.00 22,267.00 21,863.00 22,740.25 Net margin ratio 30.02% 40.13% 30.20% 28.08% 32.11% EPS 2.13 2.73 2.02 2.61 2.37 (Microsoft, 2016) Table 2: Financial Performance of Microsoft after Merger $ Million 2014 2015 Average Revenues 86,833.00 93,580.00 90,206.50 Cost of operations 27,078.00 33,038.00 30,058.00 Gross margin 59,755.00 60,542.00 60,148.50 Gross margin ratio 68.82% 64.70% 66.76% Net margin 22,074.00 12,193.00 17,133.50 Net margin ratio 25.42% 13.03% 19.23% EPS 2.66 1.49 2.08 (Microsoft, 2016) From the data presented in the table-1, it could be observed that the company was maintaining an average gross profit ratio of 77.03%. The revenues of the company were growing at a study pace. The average revenues earned by the company in the period of four years from 2010 to 2013 amounted to $70,999.50 million (Table-1). Further, the company was making healthy profit margins at a percentage of 32.11%. However, immediately after the acquisition of the Nokias assets, there was observed a downfall in the companys profitability. The gross profit margin reduced from 73.99% in the year 2013 to 68.82% in the year 2014 and it further went down in the year 2015 to 64.70%. It may be noted that the company was able to increase its sales after acquiring the assets from Nokia in the year 2013. The sales revenues increased from $77,849 million in the year 2013 to $93,580 million in the year 2015. Though, the company achieved growth in the revenues, but the gross margins went down, which indicates increase in the cost of operations. The increase in the cost of operations is a clear indication that the company did not receive economies of scale from the acquisition of Nokias assets. Thus, there was no operational and/or financial synergy for Microsoft from the acquisition of the assets from Nokia. The companys profitability was affected adversely from this merger deal, which is evident from the deterioration in the net margin. As against the average net profit margin of 32.11% in the four years preceding the acquisition, the company could maintain only 19.23% net margin in the two years after the acquisition. Further, the ESP of the company was down to $1.49 in the year 2015 from as high as $2.61 in the year 2013. Considering the bad financial performance in the post acquisition period, the company admitted that the merger deal with Nokia was the biggest failure (Keizer, 2015). Test of Merger Theory The merger theory believes that the aggregate value of two separate firms is always lower than the combined value when those two firms are merged. This implies that the aggregate market capitalization value of Microsoft and Nokia would be lower than the market capitalization value of Microsoft after merger with Nokia. The theory of merger is based on the premise that the two firms operating separately would not be able earn equal to the earrings of the firm created by merging those two firms. The theory states that this enhanced value is created as a result of synergy emerging from the merged operations. However, not all the merger and acquisitions deals gets succeed. In the case of Microsoft acquiring assets of Nokia, the test of this theory of merger is being carried out as under: Table 3: Evaluation of the Merger Impact Before Merger (2013) After Merger (2014) Impact Microsoft Nokia assets Total Monthly average price (Yahoo Finance, 2016) 26.77 - 36.60 No of shares 8,375.00 - 8,299.00 Market Capitalization 224,198.75 *9,442.00 233,640.75 303,743.40 70,102.65 *Note: In computing market value before merger for Nokia, the assets that are under acquisition have been considered. Therefore, the market value of Nokia has been taken as the market value of its assets under acquisition that is $9,442 million (Microsoft, 2015). From the above figures, it could be observed that the market value of Microsoft increased by $70,102.65 immediately after the acquisition of the Nokias assets. However, this acquisition was a failure for the company, but still the market value increased substantially after the finalization of the acquisition deal. From this situation, it could be inferred that this was a short term speculative effect on the stocks price of the company which laid increase in the market capitalization in the year 2014 as compared to the year 2013. Evaluation of Failure of Merger The results of merger and acquisition could be negative if the process of merger and acquisitions is not handled strategically. In the absence of strategic approach towards merger and acquisitions, the companies have been seen facing complete failure. As per the study conducted by Coopers and Lybrand, there are five major factors that affect the success and failure of the merger and acquisitions (, 2014). These five factors are detailed post acquisition integration plans, clarity of acquisition purpose, good culture fit, high degree of target management, and knowledge of target and its industry. Among these five factors, Coopers and Lybrand regarded the post acquisition integration plan as the most crucial (, 2014). In the current case being analyzed in this paper, Microsoft had failed sustaining the acquisition of Nokias assets in the merger deal. The company could not capitalize on this merger deal due to absence of clarity in the objectives of acquisition and post acquisition integration plan. Though this merger deal the company tried to enter into the new market leaving its core field operations unfocused. Further, post revelations of the failure of merger, it was observed that lack in clarity of acquisition purposes and adequate planning for integration were also the reasons for failure of the merger (, 2014). The merger and acquisition decisions are very sensitive to the market; therefore, the management should be cautious in drawing out such decisions (, 2014). Preparing a detailed merger plan including analysis of the future trend is a prerequisite to go for merger and acquisition deal. In the current case, Microsoft could not analyze the future trend of mobile industry appropriately, which caused failure of the companys merger with Nokia. The financial performance started affecting adversely as soon as the company acquired assets from Nokia. The acquisition was made in the last quarter of the financial year 2013 and in the year 2015, the company wrote off $7.10 billion as the cost of merger (Keizer, 2015). Conclusion The discussion in this paper revolves around the issues governing the merger and acquisitions in the corporate world. The main focus area of this paper is to highlight the synergy in the context of merger and understand the factors the cause failure of the merger and acquisition deals. For this purpose, the case of Microsoft and Nokia merger has been analyzed in this paper. Microsoft acquired assets of phone division of Nokia for an amount of $7.10 billion in the year 2013. Though, the company was expecting to benefit at the big scale from this deal, but it could not sustain it for a longer period. Finally, in the year 2015, the company announced admitting the fact that it failed in the merger with Nokia. References Anderson, H., Havila, V., and Nilsson, F. 2012. Mergers and Acquisitions: The Critical Role of Stakeholders. Routledge. Gaughan, P.A. 2013. Maximizing Corporate Value through Mergers and Acquisitions: A Strategic Growth Guide. John Wiley Sons. Karenfort, S. 2011. Synergy in Mergers Acquisitions: The Role of Business Relatedness. BoD Books on Demand. Keizer, G. 2015. Microsoft writes off $7.6B, admits failure of Nokia acquisition. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 05 December 2016]. Lam, B. 2016. 2015: A Merger Bonanza. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 05 December 2016]. Microsoft. 2015. Annual report of Microsoft for 2015. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 05 December 2016]. Microsoft. 2016. Investor Relations Annual Reports. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 05 December 2016]. 2014. 10 steps to Success in Merger and Acquisitions. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 05 December 2016]. Yahoo Finance. 2016. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT): Historical Prices. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 05 December 2016].
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Construction of Me free essay sample
How many people can say that their entire life was split in half at three years old? Unfortunately, a surprising number of people can most likely relate. Divorce rates have skyrocketed and traditional family styles have been altered. I am a child of divorce, a blended family, and a double lifestyle. Having the foundation of your family ripped apart at the seams can be a traumatic experience, and so can the aftermath of learning to adjust to a life including multiple lifestyles and new family members.I have experienced growing up in two separate homes with different values, restrictions, traditions, and parenting styles. I know the benefits of only being grounded half the time because my transgression only offended one parent, the glory of two Christmases, or the expansion of my amazing family. Conversely, I also know the effects of a life where your parents can’t so much as handle being in the same room together, the constant negativity towards the other parent, and my late night emotional breakdowns. We will write a custom essay sample on The Construction of Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My past and background has shaped who I am today, and because of these unexpected life changes, I emphasize the significance of personal strength. My mother is very supportive, involved, and consistent. She has always involved herself in my extra-curricular activities, school business, and personal affairs. Her controlling manner delivers frequent stress and worry, and often is blanketed upon me as well. My mother has endured many struggles in her life and she has proved to be one of the strongest people I know. She and I both have experienced family tension and loss. Her second marriage was full of unhealthy deception, drama from within our circle of relatives, and was concluded with the departure of my stepdad from a fatal accident. These trials in my past have painted scars that will never disappear but have molded the skin of my personality and strength that I take pride in. My father is very strong, demanding, and carefree. Throughout my life he has slightly stepped back from the involvement in my activities, but still hasnt left my side. He never pressures stress upon me, however my home can sometimes be an uncomfortable mess of dysfunction. He remarried when I was in the middle of my second grade year, and through this marriage I gained two more siblings, and later a third. Growing up with a blended family had all the perks of childhood play and innocence, but also the disadvantages of arguments, discipline, and the actual blending part. Despite the stains of occasional unhappiness, the majority of my childhood memories took place in the backyard of that one story house with all my giggling siblings and smiling parents. My dad was the tough one, the no nonsense or emotion kind of person. I wanted to be my father’s cowgirl who didn’t cry, so I tried to shape my personality to avoid all emotion. My family is severed but I am whole. I am scarred but breathing, and damaged but strong. My character was constructed from the experiences of pain and joy that were bestowed upon my youth. I may be empty in understanding the reasons for my pain, but I am fully lit with the delight and joy my new and consistent families bring me. My story doesnt define who I am, it only defines where I came from. I am not a heartbroken child like divorce, I am not a lonely and empty vessel like a separation, and I am not a hollow darkness like death. I am a mess of triumph and trial. I am afraid of car accidents, confrontation, fighting, and tears. I am confident in leadership, advice, and inner strength. I am a warrior, and I am fighting for happiness. I am not my past experiences, but those experiences have made me, and that is my identity.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Sir Walter Raleighs First Journey to El Dorado
Sir Walter Raleigh's First Journey to El Dorado El Dorado, the legendary lost city of gold rumored to be somewhere in the unexplored interior of South America, claimed many victims as thousands of Europeans braved flooded rivers, frosty highlands, endless plains and steamy jungles in the vain search for gold. The most well-known of the obsessed men who searched for it, however, must be Sir Walter Raleigh, the legendary Elizabethan courtier who made two trips to South America to search for it. The Myth of El Dorado There is a grain of truth in the El Dorado myth. The Muisca culture of Colombia had a tradition where their king would cover himself in gold dust and dive into Lake Guatavit: Spanish conquistadors heard the story and began searching for the Kingdom of El Dorado, â€Å"the Gilded One.†Lake Guatavita was dredged and some gold was found, but not very much, so the legend persisted. The supposed location of the lost city changed frequently as dozens of expeditions failed to find it. By 1580 or so the lost city of gold was thought to be in the mountains of present-day Guyana, a harsh and inaccessible place. The city of gold was referred to as El Dorado or Manoa, after a city told of by a Spaniard who had been captive of natives for ten years. Sir Walter Raleigh Sir Walter Raleigh was a famous member of the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England, whose favor he enjoyed. He was a true Renaissance man: he wrote history and poems, was a decorated sailor and dedicated explorer and settler. He fell out of favor with the Queen when he secretly married one of her maids in 1592: he was even imprisoned in the Tower of London for a time. He talked his way out of the Tower, however, and convinced the Queen to allow him to mount an expedition to the New World to conquer El Dorado before the Spanish found it. Never one to miss the chance to out-do the Spanish, the Queen agreed to send Raleigh on his quest. The Capture of Trinidad Raleigh and his brother Sir John Gilbert rounded up investors, soldiers, ships, and supplies: on February 6, 1595, they set out from England with five small ships. His expedition was an act of open hostility to Spain, which jealously guarded its New World possessions. They reached the Island of Trinidad, where they cautiously checked out the Spanish forces. The Englishmen attacked and captured the town of San Jose. They took an important prisoner on the raid: Antonio de Berrio, a high-ranking Spaniard who had spent years searching for El Dorado himself. Berrio told Raliegh what he knew about Manoa and El Dorado, trying to discourage the Englishman from continuing on his quest, but his warnings were in vain. The Search for Manoa Raleigh left his ships anchored at Trinidad and took only 100 men to the mainland to begin his search. His plan was to go up the Orinoco River to the Caroni River and then follow it until he reached a legendary lake where he would find the city of Manoa. Raleigh had caught wind of a massive Spanish expedition to the area, so he was in a hurry to get underway. He and his men headed up the Orinoco on a collection of rafts, ship’s boats and even a modified galley. Although they were aided by natives who knew the river, the going was very tough as they had to fight the current of the mighty Orinoco River. The men, a collection of desperate sailors and cut-throats from England, were unruly and difficult to manage. Topiawari Laboriously, Raleigh and his men made their way upriver. They found a friendly village, ruled by an aged chieftain named Topiawari. As he had been doing since arriving on the continent, Raleigh made friends by announcing that he was an enemy of the Spanish, who were widely detested by the natives. Topiawari told Raleigh of a rich culture living in the mountains. Raliegh easily convinced himself that the culture was an offshoot of the rich Inca culture of Peru and that it must be the fabled city of Manoa. The Spanish set out up the Caroni River, sending out scouts to look for gold and mines, all the while making friends with any natives they encountered. His scouts brought back rocks, hoping that further analysis would reveal gold ore. Return to the Coast Although Raleigh thought he was close, he decided to turn around. The rains were increasing, making the rivers even more treacherous, and he also feared being caught by the rumored Spanish expedition. He felt he had enough â€Å"evidence†with his rock samples to drum up much enthusiasm back in England for a return venture. He made an alliance with Topiawari, promising mutual aid when he returned. The English would help fight the Spanish, and the natives would help Raleigh find and conquer Manoa. As part of the deal, Raleigh left two men behind and took Topiawari’s son back go England. The return journey was much easier, as they were traveling downstream: the Englishmen were joyful at seeing their ships still anchored off of Trinidad. Return to England Raleigh paused on his way back to England for a bit of privateering, attacking the Island of Margarita and then the port of Cuman, where he dropped off Berrio, who had remained a prisoner on board Raleigh’s ships while he looked for Manoa. He returned to England in August of 1595 and was disappointed to learn that news of his expedition had preceded him and that it was already considered a failure. Queen Elizabeth had little interest in the rocks he had brought back. His enemies seized upon his journey as an opportunity to slander him, claiming that the rocks were either fake or worthless. Raleigh defended himself ably but was surprised to find very little enthusiasm for a return trip in his home country. The Legacy of Raleigh’s First Search for El Dorado Raleigh would get his return trip to Guyana, but not until 1617 - more than twenty years later. This second journey was a complete failure and directly led to Raleighs execution back in England. In between, Raleigh financed and supported other English expeditions to Guyana, which brought him more proof, but the search for El Dorado was becoming a hard sell. Raleighs greatest accomplishment may have been in creating good relations between the English and the natives of South America: although Topiawari passed away not long after Raleighs first voyage, the goodwill remained and future English explorers benefitted from it. Today, Sir Walter Raleigh is remembered for many things, including his writings and his participation in the 1596 attack on the Spanish port of Cadiz, but he will forever be associated with the vain quest for El Dorado. Source Silverberg, Robert. The Golden Dream: Seekers of El Dorado. Athens: the Ohio University Press, 1985.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Formal vs. Informal English (Why and When Grammar Matters)
Formal vs. Informal English (Why and When Grammar Matters) Formal vs. Informal English (Why and When Grammar Matters) Lately, there’s been a lot of debate about whether correcting people’s grammar makes you a snob (or, in the words of one commentator, â€Å"patronizing, pretentious and just plain wrong†). As proofreaders, this puts us in a difficult position: On the one hand, we don’t want to be â€Å"patronizing, pretentious and just plain wrong.†On the other hand, we’re basically professional pedants, using our knowledge of English to help people communicate. Please dont call us grammar Nazis, by the way. Were very much against fascism, even the grammatical kind. Perhaps the real question is when it’s appropriate to insist on particular grammatical standards. First, though, we should consider the difference between formal and informal English. Formal English Formal English sticks to the prescribed rules of spelling and grammar. This is far more common in writing than speech, especially academic writing and in professional settings. In this kind of English, it’s typical to: Use conventional grammar and spelling Avoid contractions (e.g., â€Å"don’t†or â€Å"should’ve†) and slang Use academic or technical language Always use complete sentences, as well as longer or more complex sentences Require consistent use of terminology/punctuation This kind of writing can seem â€Å"snobby,†especially if the author uses very obscure words or complicated sentences. But a good writer will use formal English to ensure clarity and precision. The advantage of formal English is that it helps people in a particular field or subject area to communicate by providing a standard style of writing. This is why colleges use academic English, but being able to use formal language is valuable elsewhere, too. The important thing is knowing when to use formal English: e.g. at work, in college papers, when communicating with authority figures, etc. Its also useful for talking with the Queen of England. Admittedly, this isnt a daily issue for most people. Informal English Informal English essentially refers to forms of written or spoken English that don’t stick closely to conventional spelling and grammar or that use a lot of slang and informal words. This is the kind of everyday language we use when talking with friends or emailing someone we know well. There is, obviously enough, no standard form of informal English, since it simply refers to non-standard English, which can even encompass â€Å"txtspk†! Theres no such thing as formal txtspk. So far. Does Grammar Really Matter? When using formal English, yes, grammar and spelling are important. It’s not that formal English is inherently â€Å"better†regardless of the circumstances; it’s simply that using formal English in professional or academic settings aids communication and clarity. By comparison, mistakes like mixing up â€Å"their†and â€Å"they’re†in a college paper could imply a lack of care or attention, even if the reader can tell what you intended. However, if you’re just hanging out with friends and you feel an urge to tell someone off for splitting an infinitive, it could seem insulting or annoying to the person you’re correcting. Thus, if grammar matters more to you than your friends, feel free to be as pedantic as you like. Otherwise, it might be best to save formal English for when it really counts. If you already carry a red pen for correcting mistakes wherever you go, you might want to try a career in proofreading.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Operation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Operation Management - Essay Example Operations management must be strategized to enable competitiveness. Such can be achieved if the entrepreneurs proficiently practice financial management, customer care satisfaction, operation risk management, innovation and creativity in business management, as well as regular monitoring or evaluation of performance using standard index of measure. Other than protecting capital and investments from foreign exchange losses, it is also essential to undertake strengthening activities to improve organizational performance and to critically understand the market trend using behavior-analysis for them to nurture change adaptability especially when foreign exchange rate in the market is reel to fluctuate. Slack et. al. pointed that performance is improved if an organization is adherent to total quality control to do what is right to maintain an effective and quality operation that is cost-efficient; do functions and roles efficiently to effectively deliver services; perform jobs timely to nurture reliance in the delivery of goods and services; and to practice flexibility in the production of goods or delivery of services based on supply and demand situation in the market. 2.2 Operations performance for efficiency and competitive advantage Learn from experiences. Tardiness doesn’t favor business. Business must be dealt with efficiency thus, it is important for the organization to maintain effective operational technology to spare procedural dysfunction or breakdown; strengthen time utilitization as against absenteeism; and optimization of quality standards of job performance to develop a culture of efficiency in the workplaces. In so doing, entrepreneurs should produce goods with quality standards in accordance to policies and scale or context of economies. The organization must also prefer highly-skilled and well-trained human resources who are willing to out-perform other competitors in the market. As such, other than their inherent capacities, workers should be measured with their actual output as against goals and of key results as against the period of time allotted for the perfection of production or delivery of service. This is very significant in supply chain management of the retail industry. 2.3 Suppl y chain management in retailing Supply chain management (SCM) refers to the mechanism adopted by retailers in the performance of their business operation which specifically deal with the transport of goods and services from its production or site to its consumers (Kavcic, 2006). Retailing is the significant last step in this system where entrepreneurs match goods with consumers needs within the context of supply and demand relocations. SCM enhances organization’s performance to enable the integration and interaction of internal and external relations between suppliers, retailers, customers, or buyers.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Police Supervision and Management Complete Unit 3 Essay
Police Supervision and Management Complete Unit 3 - Essay Example Efficiency is the achievement of a given task using the least cost or resources possible. To calculate efficiency, the input must be compared to the output. The cost of input can be estimated, but the output of police may not be readily determined. Nevertheless, for departmental success, the police must perform to a give high output and in turn a high efficiency, which translates to high productivity. Effectiveness refers to the proper performance of tasks to meet the program goals. When police officers are assigned duties, supervisors must make follow-ups to ensure their effectiveness. This confirms why effectiveness is critical in productivity measurement. Equity is the quality of services delivered to the community by police. Timely response, enough patrol units, and equal services to all are some measures of equity. Thus, quality of police services to the community is a measure of their performance. Accountability is the state of being answerable to whether resources are used for the intended purpose or not. Hence, proper use of resources can be monitored by frequent productivity and performance measurement (Iannone, Iannone, & Bernstein, 2009). It is the duty of supervisors to evaluate subordinates’ performance. In regard to this question, the principal issues associated with the ability of supervisors to evaluate subordinates. Also, insights on things that can be applied to minimize the effect of errors in performance ratings will be provided. Some of the methods used in performance evaluation in an agency of law enforcement or a correctional facility will be stated, with their benefits and drawbacks. The main issues associated with the ability of supervisors to evaluate subordinates are Citizen Surveys, Planning and Problem Solving, CompStat, and Subordinates Rating. Approaches employed to minimize rater errors include rater training, enhanced observational skills, use of a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The French Revolution Essay Example for Free
The French Revolution Essay The French Revolution signaled the end of the monarchy as a form of government in France. From the ousting, trial and execution of Louis XVI, it appalled all of the European nations and got them thinking how to prevent it. This work aims to gain perspective and give fruitful insight on this unfortunate monarch. The revolution was fueled mainly by basic necessity: food. Bread shortages were a normal occurrence and the government appeared to be helpless to solve it. Compounding the issue was the royal treasury was almost depleted and the king and his court were living in opulence. A lot of things could have gone differently. â€Å"Louis also had a strong desire to be loved by his people and considered himself to be their benevolent father. This idea was almost certainly a factor in explaining why Louis did not simply crush the French Revolution in its early years. While the opportunity certainly presented itself, Louis simply did not have the stomach for it. †1 Benevolence might have its uses but remember the age old adage, â€Å"Spare the rod and spoil the child. †A father needs to be both stern and loving in raising children in order to differentiate right from wrong. The king in general appeared to be a simple man. â€Å"This was not for lack of education: he was the first French monarch who spoke fluent English, and nourished philosophers of the Enlightenment. He sought to divorce himself from the royally authoritarian image of Louis XIV. To do this, he tried to develop an image for himself as a simple man, an image more in keeping with that of the enlightened despots of Europe, like Frederick II of Prussia. †2 In keeping with his goal for simplicity then he should not have publicized the lavishness of his parties in Versailles. These are some facets we can consider and debate but the fact of the matter is that it could have been avoided. Although there were so many variables which could have changed the outcome, there were signals like the desire for a new constitution and assemblage or the women’s march on Versailles. Things could have been handled differently like preparing a feast for the women’s march or moving court to Paris instead of appearing to be forced after numerous demands. We need to keep an eye out for the warning signs and focus on prevention. Reference List 1. Andress, David (2006). The Terror: The Merciless War for Freedom in Revolutionary France page 13. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. ISBN 0-374-27341-3 2. Article on Louis XVI from Wikipedia (2008) retrieved 10 March 2008 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Louis_XVI
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Analytical Contrast of Corporate Deviance in Differential Associati
The applications of these theories encompass contributing social environments that are synonymous with the work ethics being fostered in corporate deviant behaviourisms. One ideology in particular, the â€Å"American Dream†is attacked as a promoter of this through its means of success being defined in culture as monetary gain and social status as the way of life (Schoepfer, 2006, p. 4-9). This mentality is adapted to the corporate world as a dominant coalition amongst business practices is developed whereupon a group of interdependent individuals who share a common interest remains dominant in its ability to force organizations to function in accord with their goals and knowingly abuse this unique position (Albanese, 1984, p. 2-5). From this perspective Sutherland and Merton connect the barriers or lack thereof that perpetuates these ideologies in business ethics therefore being the cause of the crimes themselves. In essence, it is a vicious circle of necessity created by the conditions outlined as tolerable as long as they lean towards monetary success. Suggesting differential association as a learned behaviour imbedded in the corporate structure that acts both as an educator and pusher of monetary gain onto those within it. Merton’s concept of strain from institutions can be linked to contributing factors such as the â€Å"American Dream†ideology as stimulating social needs put forward by the culture without encompassing a means of success (Merton, â€Å"cited in†Adler, 1999, p.160-161). In other words, the mentality associated with the American dream is synonymous with creating tension between the means of achieving a common goal and the means of success available to those who share that goal (Cloward, 1960, p.1). This context of balance... ...Crime and the American Dream. Journal of Criminal Justice , 4-9. F. Adler, W. Laufer (1999) The Legacy of Anomie Theory (pp. 94-97,160-161). Transaction Publishers. J. S. Albanese (1984). Corporate Criminology: Explaining Deviance of Business and Political Organizations. Journal of Criminal Justice , 2-5. J. Braithwaite (2006). White Collar Crime. Annual Review of Sociology , 8-10. F. Williams, M. McShane (2004). Criminological Theory. New York: Pearson Education. N. Piquero, S.G. Tibbets, M.B. Blankenship (2005). Deviant Behaviour. Canadian Research Knowledge Network , 1-23. R. Cloward, L. Ohlin. (1960). Delinquency and Opportunity . Macmillan Publishing. E. Sutherland (1956). In The Professional Thief. Chicago: University of Chicago press. T. Makkai, J. Braithwaite. (1991). Criminological Theories and Regulatory Compliance. Criminology volume 29 , 1-5.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Icon of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe
Icon of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is also known as Our Lady of Guadalupe or the Virgin of Guadalupe. It is a most famous and most popular Roman Catholic image of a Virgin Mary in Mexico. The legend says that Virgin appeared to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, an Indian convert, in 1531 and the witness of that miracle required commemorating it by erection of a church, known as a Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. There were two apparitions of the Virgin Mary and after the second an icon was painted which is, actually, now one of the most famous in Mexico. This event was historically significant as following it a great number of Indians of Mexico converted into Christianity. According to the information provided in encyclopedia Britannica â€Å"in 1754 a papal bull made the Virgin of Guadalupe the patroness and protector of New Spain, and in 1810 she became the symbol of the Mexican independence movement when the patriot-priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla raised her picture to his banne r.†(Encyclopedia Britannica)The story of Virgin’s apparition is derived from the Nican mopohua which is thought to be the original source of that event.  Nican mopohua, written in the indigenous Nahuatl language gives an account of the encounter between Virgin Maria and Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin in 1531 on Tepeyac. It says that a widowed convert Juan Diego was traveling to â€Å"attend to divine things†the woman in a bright shine appeared in front of him and said that she was a mother of God and asked Diego to tell the Bishop about her request to build a temple on this hill. She promised to come to those people who, would pray in this temple, and help them.The Nican mopohua is not the only work related to the apparition but it is considered to be the most explicit and most trusted. There is another work relating this story, but this time it is the first Spanish-language apparition account written by Miguel Sanchez. It is this document that for the first tim e refers to Our Lady of Guadalupe as to a symbol of Mexico. He mentions it in the context that â€Å"this New World has been won and conquered by the hand of the Virgin Mary†¦[who had] prepared, disposed, and contrived her exquisite likeness in this her Mexican land, which was conquered for such a glorious purpose, won that there should appear so Mexican an image†(Brading 2001).When in 1810 Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and his army fought for the independence of Mexico they used the image of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe as a sign on their clothes and also as an insignia of their campaign. After Hidalgo’s death a mestizo priest led the army during revolution. He also relied on the holy image and as Krauze in his book states he was confirmed that â€Å"New Spain puts less faith in its own efforts than in the power of God and the intercession of its Blessed Mother, who appeared within the precincts of Tepeyac as the miraculous image of Guadalupe that had come to comfor t us, defend us, visibly be our protection†(Krauze, 1997).The Mexican calendar even contains the holiday to honor the Virgin, that is December 12, inscribed by the priest-revolutionary. (Matovina, 2001) Thus during the independence struggle people treated Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe as the symbol and patroness of patriots. They offered up numerous prayers at moments of difficulties and used her image on their ensigns. In this way, Brading observes, political exaltation intervened with religious faith â€Å"to produce a vehement fervor in favor of the sacred cause of liberty. The veneration for this image in Mexico far exceeds the greatest reverence that the shrewdest prophet might inspire†(Brading, 2001). In this way the icon of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe became not only the sacred symbol of Mexico but also it acquired a profound political implication, the embodiment of the struggle for the independence, so desired by the Mexican people.Though there are still a lot o f disputes as regards the verity of the legend about Our Lady of Guadalupe’s apparition its authority still remains very strong in Mexico. In addition to the reputation of the image which inspired people to fight for independence the Virgin is also the symbol of Catholicism in Mexico. As it was stated before the temple was build on the place were Saint Mary was met by Juan Diego, and it was the starting point of active conversion of indigenous people, Aztecs, to Christianity.Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is still a sound support to the Catholics in Mexico and in other parts of Latin America. Starting from 1737 Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe was recognized to be a saint protectress of Mexico City and then almost two centuries later her protection spread all over the South America. Nowadays, hundreds of people pilgrimage to the church of Our Lady of Guadalupe located on the Cerro of Tepeyac. There are even cases when people do not just walk but crawl on their knees to the church to pray to Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, as it is believed that in this way they can merit the cure for their sickness or gain help in the hardship. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe said to have been miraculously imprinted upon Juan Diego's cloak is displayed there.The woman depicted in this image dresses and looks like an Aztec maiden of the early 16th century. She has brown skin; Meso-American features, and is clothed in a turquoise tunic and a rose colored robe. In short, Our Lady of Guadalupe looks like the Aztecs and not like their European oppressors. The iconic resemblance between themselves and the woman depicted in that image was frequently noted by the contemporary Mexican pilgrims. Many Mexicans love their protectress and often call her with diminutive Virgencita. Pilgrims visit the basilica not only because of where it is, but also because of what it has.The Mexicans often feel admired that she is just like them dark-skinned with black hair and brown eyes. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is much more than a mere depiction of the woman Juan Diego claimed to have seen in his visions. It is also a complex collection of floral symbols, astronomical imagery, and other signs that are distinctively Aztec (Barber, 1997; Castillo, 1995). These symbols reinforce the indexical and iconic connections between Our Lady of Guadalupe and the non-Christian religious traditions of the Aztecs. The floral designs that adorn Our Lady of Guadalupe's tunic are symbolic as well as decorative (Barber, 1997). In accordance with the conventions of Aztec glyphs (standardized pictographic designs used by the Aztecs to convey symbolic meanings) the flowers are rendered with a flatness that allows viewers to see them in full.One of the flowers included in the image, the quincunx, appears only once. It is positioned over the Virgin's womb. According to Barber, this flower represented: the four compass directions of the world, with heaven and the underworld vertically encounterin g earth in the canter, in the â€Å"navel†of the world, or, to use the metaphor, in the navel of the moon, as they call the Valley of Mexico. (p. 72) The placement of this flower over the woman's womb signifies that she bears an important child. That the Virgin is pregnant is also indicated by the black sash she wears around her waste, an Aztec symbol of pregnancy (Castillo, 1995). Located just below the sash is another floral symbol, the nagvioli. According to Castillo, this flower â€Å"represented Huitzilopochtli, the great ferocious sun god of the Aztecs†(p. xix). Our Lady of Guadalupe is thus symbolically linked to Coatlicue, an aspect of the goddess Tonantzin, who was the mother of Huitzilopochtli. This link acknowledges her connection with the goddess she is supposed to have replaced.Also included among the image's floral imagery are nine large, triangular, heart-shaped flowers–the Mexican magnolia–which were traditionally used to represent the n ine levels of the Aztec underworld. In Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, the name for these flowers is yolloxochitl. As explained by Barber, â€Å"Yollotl, is `heart' in Nahuatl, and xochitl, `flower'†(p. 76). According to Barber, â€Å"Yolloxochitl was an Aztec metaphor for the palpitating heart torn from the body of sacrificial victims†(p.76).Human sacrifice played a prominent role in the pre-Christian Aztec religion. Barber goes on to state that yolloxochitl can also be â€Å"read as another glyph, too: tepetl, hill, and precisely, Tepeyac Hill†(p. 76), the hill upon which Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego and the location of the shrine of Tonantzin that had been appropriated by the Spanish missionaries. This flower, then, ties the Virgin to Tepeyac, the hill's previous pre-Christian tenant, and to ritual practices valued by the Aztecs. Some of the flowers that adorn the tunic of Our Lady of Guadalupe are connected with the Aztecs' rich astro nomical symbolism. According to Barber the eight-petaled flowers: can be identified with a Nahuatl glyph for Venus, the Morning and Evening Star. Venus as Morning Star was associated with their god and culture-hero, Quetzalcoatl, who after his self-immolation was taken up into heaven as themorning star. (p. 73) The image's astronomical symbolism is not limited to flowers that adorn the Virgin's tunic. There are also solar, lunar, and stellar symbols. The most significant of these is the crescent moon upon which the Virgin is situated. To the Aztecs, this symbol represented the Valley of Mexico, their geographical, cultural, and spiritual center.Once it officially affirmed Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Church embraced her with a great show of public enthusiasm. Over the years, the Church has assigned to her such honorific titles as Patroness of Latin America and Empress of All the Americas.Works Cited ListBarber, J. â€Å"The sacred image is a divine codex.†In A handbook on Guad alupe (pp. 68-73). New Bedford, MA: Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, 1997Brading, D.A. Mexican Phoenix. Our Lady of Guadalupe: Image and Tradition Across Five Centuries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.Castillo, A. â€Å"Introduction†. Goddess of the Americas/La Diosa de las Americas: Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe Ed. A. Castillo (pp. xv-xxiii). New York: Riverhead Books, 1995.Krauze, Enrique. Mexico, Biography of Power. A History of Modern Mexico 1810-1996. New York: HarperCollins, 1997Matovina, Timothy â€Å"Hispanic Catholics: ‘El Futuro' Is Here†Commonweal. 128. 15. September 14, 2001â€Å"Guadalupe, Basilica of.†Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. 22 Mar. 2006Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Shc 3.4 Health & Safety, Risk Additional
CYP Core 3. 4 Support children and young people’s health and safety 1. Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety. 1. 3Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments and services. As a childcare provider it is my responsibility for the safety of the children in my care. There are a number of legal and regulatory guidance to help protect children and adults in my setting.All staff should be made aware of any potential hazards such as, security, fire, food safety, physical, personal and keeping up to date training on how to deal with these and maintain every one safety, including visitors, family and other colleagues in my setting. The most important legislation in a child care setting is the EYFS that covers all aspect of the welfare of children and young people in all early years setting. NICMA Public Liability Guidance/ Insurance The child minding body which un dertakes public liability insurance for all children within my setting for any claims of injury against the provider.Private Business Car Insurance Car Insurance which covers minded children in my setting for outings and travel between providers home and school environment. Smoking Ban In my setting there is non- smoking policy. Healthly Eating Within my setting I promote a healthly eating plan and advise parents on healthly snacks/foods. Daily Exercise On a daily basis I promote daily exercise weather permitted, for example walking or activities in the garden. Access NI Checks These are carried out on all persons that are entering premises during working hours and children living within the childcare setting over the age of 11 to be vetted also.BSI Kitemark All play equipment within my setting comply with BSI Kitemarks Once every year my setting gets a yearly inspection by a social worker to make sure I meet all the requirements of an early years setting to provide a safe environme nt for children and young people. 3. Understand how to support children and young people to assess and manage risk for them. 3. 2 Explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of children and young people and health and safety requirements. The UN convention on the Rights of the Child clearly identifies the rights of children and young people to learn and develop into adults and be protected from harm†Tassoni 2010 page 145. You can also refer to the Children’s NI order 1995 which refers to all childrens rights to development, and safety rights. Childcare providers have a responsibility to be active in creating the conditions that make children feel that almost anything is possible and achievable. â€Å"The challenge for carers is balancing the need for safety of the child against the need for children and young people to explore risks. Meggitt page 150 Children learn a lot from trying out new experiences for themselves. Many children do not have the experience an d knowledge to judge whether it is a safe choice to explore their own levels of risk taking. Parents and carers have the responsibility to decide the activity is safe and identify possible hazards as children and young people may not make the correct judgement, however children and young people should be given the opportunity to explore in a safe environment under supervision.If we do not enable children to explore risk taking activities they will seek them out when adults are not around. Children and young people need to explore their own levels of risk, but always in a safe environment and with an adult who is able to administer first aid if an accident should happen. We aim to make children aware of health and safety issues to minimise the hazards and risk to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment. We ensure that the environment that the children are playing in is regularly checked before and during activities. . Understand appropriate responses to accide nts, incidents emergencies and illness in work settings and off site visits. 4. 2 Identify the correct procedures for recording and reporting accidents, incidents, injuries, signs of illness and other emergencies Reporting and recording accidents and incidents, signs of illness and other emergencies: The occurrence of an accident should be reported immediately to the parents/emergency contact name given to me the childcare provider. A procedure for reporting and recording accidents goes in the Accident Report Book.In my setting I need to ensure that I know all relevant procedures and how to deal with them, as I work alone and it’s my sole responsibility to report, record and inform parents and other professionals of all issues relating to the welfare and well-being of children in my setting. It is a legal responsibility to record any incidents or accidents that occur during my day as a childcare provider, as well as the steps taken to manage the incident. Recording these deta ils will help to identify any trends or common incidents that occur, as well as areas that could be addressed to improve safety.This record will be vital in the possible event of legal action. A copy of the illness and injury report form should be submitted to the relevant person. When documenting the occurrence of an illness or injury, briefly note it in the relevant box on the session plan and then record the full details on an illness and injury report form or in an accident record book. At least the following details should be recorded: 1. Date, time and place of incident. 2. Name of ill/injured person. 3. Details of ill/injured and any first aid given. 4. What happened to the casualty immediately afterwards (e. . did the child continue to participate in the days activities, or where they sent home/admitted to hospital, etc) 5. Name and signature of person dealing with the incident. If a child, or member of staff or other visitors goes to hospital from my setting I must inform R IDDOR. If a child is seriously injured I must report the accident/incident to the Health & Safety Executive. I always go back to current policies and procedures within my setting as they can and do change. I take guidance and advice from the social worker in charge of my local area.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Top 10 Resources About College Graduate Resume Writing
Top 10 Resources About College Graduate Resume Writing Which is more difficult – making it through college or writing the resume once commencement is behind you? Even though youve spent the past few years writing papers every time you turn around, once you sit down to prepare your first post graduate resume, chances are youll find yourself with the most intense case of writers block youve ever had. If it is the case you might need to get acquainted with our step-by-step guide on writing resume. Writing about yourself and your academic accomplishments for a resume can be difficult, but there are some great resources out there that can help make it a lot easier. Yale Undergraduate Career Services You may not have scored an Ivy League education, but you can still have a resume that looks like you did. The Yale Undergraduate Career Services website is an amazing resource filled with tips and tricks for everything from creating that resume to acing the interview. With workshops, videos and tips on formatting, the pros at Yale can help you craft an amazing resume that will get you noticed. Their resume writing tips focus mainly on formatting guidelines and the best way t organize your information. Website Top Tip: Make sure your resume can be read on computers, tablets and smartphones – you never know how the executive you want to impress accesses his or her emails. Grad to Great The Grad to Great website offers up advice on resume writing for recent graduates who dont know where to begin. The websites provides sample templates of the three top resume styles that you can download and tweak to fit your own style. They also provide a slew of employment and networking resources and you can follow them on Twitter for a daily nudge. Website Top Tip: Get back to basics with a resume that features plenty of white space, solid facts about your achievements and a professional approach. Monster Of course, if you want to get a job it helps to hit the job networking websites, and Monster has become the King of the Hill. Monster provides more than national job postings, though, they also offer up a number of helpful articles and tutorials for recent graduates as well as those who have been in the game for years. Website Top Tip: Break free from the traditional chronological format if youre just coming out of college. Use a more modern format that works to highlight your academic, civic and community achievements if youre lacking on real world job experience. College Grad The College Grad website looks pretty basic at first glance, but dont let its simplistic style mislead you. The College Grad website packs in plenty of substance – from free resume wizards to samples you can download and make your own. They also offer specialized tips for video or creative resumes for graduates looking into positions in the creative arts or who just want to stand out from the crowd. Website Top Tip: Treat yourself like a product and it can make it easier to write a resume that focuses on selling you effectively. College Central College Central works as a hub connecting college graduates with employers looking to actively hire. They also provide content that focuses both on resume writing and networking in addition to tips on getting a promotion and making the most of your position once you land the job. Website Top Tip: Build relationships with bosses, co-workers and anyone else you come into contact with from the minute you walk through the door on an interview. Make yourself at home and your interviewer will be better able to imagine you there. Resume-Help.Org Resume-Help is another stripped down website that embodies the substance over style philosophy. Their simple and clean website offers up templates, samples and tips on formatting that can help you to create a simple but powerful resume no matter what field youre in. Website Top Tip: Be specific about your accomplishments. Instead of mentioning that you worked as a manager, mention how many people you managed or the profits the company experienced during that time. IMDiversity The IMDiversity website offers a way for employers and candidates to connect on a whole new level. They focus primarily on recent graduates as well as diversity, hence the name. IMDiversity is especially helpful for students who focused mainly on their academics and so may not have the employment experience they think they need. Website Top Tip: When developing your resume, use volunteer work, committee experience and other social or civic duties to highlight experience and abilities if youre short of real world job experience. New Grad Life New Grad Life covers everything recent graduates need to know about approaching the career market, self promotion and nailing the interview. They also offer some job postings, though their positions arent as varied as some other websites. Their resume help, however, focuses on the newest ways to market yourself, including how to make an online resume pop. Website Top Tip: When setting up an online resume or portfolio use file sharing systems, your personal blog, RSS Feeds and other web savvy applications to show what you can do across a number of platforms. Experience As their name implies, the Experience website is all about getting the experience you need in order to get the career you want. Their career help covers initial resume building, interview skills and tips on internships and continuing education. Website Top Tip: While creativity is important, dont bombard potential employers with too much. Keep resumes and portfolios clean, stylized and streamlined in order to make the biggest impact. Theres also one website we didnt mention, guess what is it? Its EssayTigers! Weve completed several articles on writing resume for college students, including basic resume rules and how to write resume with no job experience. One more way to get help from us is to ask our professional writers for help!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Use of Question Tags in English
The Use of Question Tags in English A tag question is a question added to a declarative sentence, usually at the end, to engage the listener, verify that something has been understood, or confirm that an action has occurred. Also known as a question tag. Common tags include: wont you? wasnt it? dont you? havent you? okay? and right? Examples and Observations If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?(attributed to Albert Einstein)Theres nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?(Randal Graves in Clerks, 1994)I like New York in June, how about you? I like a Gershwin tune, how about you? (Burton Lane and Ralph Freed, How About You, 1941)A toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isnt it? (Morgan Freeman as Red in The Shawshank Redemption, 1994)This time we almost made the pieces fit, didnt we? This time we almost made some sense of it, didnt we? (Jim Webb, Didnt We? 1968)Now eventually you might have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? (Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park, 1993)But we mustnt think it has all been wasted, must we? We must remember the good times, mustnt we? (Eva Figes, Nellys Version. Secker Warburg, 1977)To actually see inside your ear canalit would be fascinating, wouldnt it? (Letter from Sonus, a hearing-aid company, quoted in The New Y orker, Mar. 24, 2003) I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew, didnt you? Oh, its just a harmless little bunny, isnt it? (Tim in Monty Python and the Holy Grail) Clause Types With Tag Questions Question tags are not independent clauses, but they do require a response, and are highly interactive. Structurally, interrogatives are abbreviated yes/no interrogatives consisting of an operator (either positive or negative) and a pronoun, which repeats the subject or substitutes for it. Question tags are attached to one of the following clause types: Of these, the declarative is by far the most common. (Angela Downing, English Grammar: A University Course. Taylor Francis, 2006)A declarative clause: It was quiet in there, wasnt it?An exclamative clause: How quiet it was in there, wasnt it?An imperative clause: Be quiet for a moment, will you? The Danger of Tag Questions There were plenty of good seats, as it happened, for the train was not crowded, and Richard was able to select an empty compartment. He was soon joined, however, by a stout, good-natured countryman who selected the seat opposite Richard, opened his newspaper, and became immediately social. Ave ye read about second murder? he exclaimed. Richard frowned, and replied rather shortly. Yes. Gruesome, isnt it? He wished he had not added the isnt it? for this invited a continuation of the conversation, and Richard was not feeling social himself. (J. Jefferson Farjeon, The Z Murders. Collins, 1932) Commas With Tag Questions Place a comma between a statement and the brief question that follows it when the subject of the statement and the subject of the question is the same entity (example 1). When they have different subjects, the statement and the question must be punctuated as separate grammatical elements (example 2).Examples(David K Woodroof, Woodroofs Quotations, Commas and Other Things English. iUniverse, 2005)George was not there, was he?I will never stay in that hotel again. Will you? Also Known As: tag declarative, question tag (chiefly British), interrogative tag
Sunday, November 3, 2019
IP2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
IP2 - Essay Example Yet another criterion of good decision making is based on the need to define the decision making process. This involves clarifying the technique of solving the problem and analyzing the extent in which the problem has been abstracted (Hurwitz & Hurwitz, 2015). Yet another criterion is that the judgment needs to be analyzed based on its faithfulness especially in terms of problem analysis. The decisions made must express the leader as a good decision maker that uses an objective method of making decisions (Peniwati, 2007). On the other hand, the leader must express fairness in the selection of the most appropriate alternatives prior to making the final decisions. In the realm of decision making, various assumptions are made (Martin & Parmar, 2012). Among the assumptions include assuming that women are weaker gender and that they cannot work in the same roles as the men in the office. This assumption then leads to the women being given inferior roles such as making coffee, or not employing them at all. Secondly, the assumptions made regarding age may be made. The boss may assume that the older population cannot grasp concepts on technology; thus, assume their contribution on matters of technology. Assumptions may also be made on the education levels of the staff. Some leaders may assume that persons that are not well learned cannot learn quickly; thus, assume their contribution in the organization. To test or confirm the credibility of these assumptions, I would assess various factors. For the assumption of the automobile that the demand for SUVs would continue because gas prices would continue to rise, I would assess the scientific practicality of the assumption in an attempt to assess if the assumption analyzed the problem in question. On the airlines assumption that there was a need for an airline that provided no added amenities, I would assess the practicality of the decisions made since
Friday, November 1, 2019
A Church as One of the Important Foundations of Community Literature review - 2
A Church as One of the Important Foundations of Community - Literature review Example The culture of consumerism, according to Brooks (2), is the main problem that has undermined the biblical model. Communities frequently view the classical church as archaic or oppressive. As a result, the church is viewed by the public as a provider of religious services only. Furthermore, churches of different congregations have come to inventing multiple creative ways of attracting people to them – attracting new ‘clients’, just like it happens in the corporate world. Churches compete among themselves to offer the most attractive array of programs to potential ‘clients’. People, in their turn, are free to move from one church to another depending on their individual needs or preferences. As a result, they do not form a single community of believers, because their interests and activities may be scattered across a wide array of different programs offered by different churches. So, the biblical discipline should be enforced in order for the communitie s to become more united. First of all, and it should be among the tasks of the church, it is necessary to deliver to the people the need for unity. Knowledge, intelligence and virtues are the foundation for making the church a community consolidation institute, instead of just a temporary community of parishioners (Hauerwas). Public and private moralities, as Stanley Hauerwas suggests, should be united in order for people to change their perception of churches. The society has to realize the very nature of the church as an institution.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Operations Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Operations Decision Making - Essay Example The relative costs corresponding with technological venture and processing transaction, however, are increasing owing to the complicated channels and technological communications that must be in position to hold up flawless, single framework inventory in the range of distribution networks that subsist now and that will before long emerge in the future. Making matters worse, executives and managers have hardly any means and little support to help them decide when to venture, how much it cost to invest, and how to appraise or assess the trade value to be earned from the venture (Weill, 1991). This paper examines investment decisive factors and solutions, prioritisation strategies, and corporate-level decision making by hotel managers and executives with regard to information technology (IT) and in the framework of hotel distribution designs. This paper hopes to substantiate the issues considered, the evaluation of methods applied, and the procedures employed to ascertain the level of achievement from such venture and resource distribution decisions that were made with regard to information technology and a hotel company's distribution frameworks. Tourism... ity, and mutually dependent activities necessitate companies to make effective and efficient application of information technologies and communications systems. This development will only keep going as this technological know-how become less costly, more effective, and found everywhere in the world. From the early time of farmer's markets, traders have struggled with finding out the best methods of delivering their goods to the marketplace. Generations afterward, this challenge is still present and even more challenging with the evolving, intensifying competition, and global marketplace in which firms have to operate their businesses. With the hospitality industry, the same is even more enunciated: the necessity to set up better and more distribution networks. Erstwhile principles such as location or they will get there if you build it, are not anymore enough in drawing the demanding and advanced consumers of today. Hotel distribution designs and networks are far too intricate to be regarded with such ease. As stated by Professor Roger Blackwell of Ohio State University, the direction of global distribution systems concerns the right good in the right place and time, the right price in the right set of circumstances and situations as demarcated by the consumer (Stein and Sweat, 1998). Employing this view in a hotel framework, a firm's worldwide distribution design must maintain two main goals: providing distribution networks that permit customers the option to accessibly and easily look for products and services they are agreeable to pay for with full information disclosure of availability and rates; and providing a process to complete the transaction instantaneously and providing confirmation on the spot (Castleberry, Hempell, and Kaufman, 1998). To attain these
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Leadership Styles Of Jesus Christ And Paul Religion Essay
Leadership Styles Of Jesus Christ And Paul Religion Essay This essay will examine the theoretical concepts of leadership, showing their strengths and weaknesses. The leadership styles of Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul will be discussed followed by the leadership qualities expected from the church as illustrated by the five-fold ministry found in Pauls epistle to the Ephesians Chapter 4. The leadership qualities expected in change management, communicating vision and handling or dealing with oppositions shall be examined. Nevertheless, most people believe that leadership means to occupy an exalted position that commands authority over others. Typical is the request by the mother of Zebedees children to Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 20 verses 20 and 21. Salome sought that Jesus will grant that her two sons take positions; one on the left and the other on the right hand of Jesus in His kingdom. Jesus confirmed that this is the manner of leadership found in the world, where the princes of the gentiles exercise dominion over them and they exercise great authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you. [1] Wright inferred that with this concept of leadership, only the few people occupying positions of authority and responsibility could be referred to as leaders and not every Christian. [2] Jesus advocated that leaders should serve rather than being served [3] . This concept focuses on what we do; as in service to God and to others as opposed to merely occupying positions. Paul, when writing to the Galatians instructs us that, by love serve one another [4] . Gods intention demonstrated by the blessing of Genesis Chapter 1 verse 28 shows that all humans have the right to lead and we need not occupy any position to do that. Wright again explained that if by leader we mean a person who enters into a relationship with another person to influence their behaviour, values or attitudes, then I would suggest that all Christians should be leaders. [5] Damazio in his book reveals the danger the church faces today as scriptural principles laid in Gods word are being replaced with business principles thus making the church to run as business corporations rather than as New Testament organisations. Members hardly comprehend the truth of the word of God. Biblical prerequisite into leadership position demanding holiness, Holy Ghost in-filling, integrity and godly wisdom have gradually been replaced with academic scholarship hence robbing the church of its spiritual life and vitality [6] . The church is gradually going the way Paul describes as having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. [7] LEADERSHIP STYLEs OF JESUS CHRIST and APOSTLE paul COMPARED AND CONTRASTED Jesus communicated His mission saying, For the son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life as ransom for many. This statement depicts service and sacrifice. Similarly, Paul in his Epistles revealed that his leadership is derived from being a servant of Jesus Christ. Some translations of the Bible even allude to him as a bondservant of Jesus. Pauls leadership is by example reflected in his statement, be followers of me as I am of Christ [8] , similar to Jesus, I do whatever I see the Father do [9] . This emanated from the law of reproduction of kinds every organism produces after its kind [10] ; which actually has its root in Genesis at creation. It is popularly said, that success without a successor is failure. As Jesus therefore commanded his disciples to teach all nations, so Paul instructed Timothy that the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also, thus the continuity of the leadership chain guaranteed. The mentorship style of both Jesus and Paul is also here emphasised. According to Ascough, Pauls style of leadership referenced in 1st Thessalonians 5:12-13 is, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in highest regard because of their work [11] . Since these are unnamed people, the term who are over you, implies they are leaders whose obligation is due to the work they do rather than their position. This tally with Jesus view that leadership is not about the office but the duties. While exercising authority in administrative offices, they are not to slack in their daily tasks of their work; for which they are to be respected [12] . Accordingly, Agostos Jesus leadership challenged the political and spiritual leadership of His time. He identified with the masses that were overtaxed and oppressed by the Jewish domination helped by Roman authorities. He confronted the injustice, challenging the oppressors right into the temple; where He overthrew tables of money changers [13] . His weapon remained the Word of God, referring His critics to the Old Testament book of Jeremiah 7: 11 which says that the house of God has become den of robbers. [14] The difference between Jesus and Pauls leadership style is obvious the way Jesus ministered to a local audience in the regions of Galilee and Jerusalem and ministered in Jewish temple and synagogues, Paul embarked on missionary journeys establishing churches in urban centres throughout the Roman Empire. Paul wrote to his followers while Jesus did not keep any writing except witnesses account written after his death. This makes Paul presentation more comprehensible to us today than Jesus [15] . The gospel writers may not have written without elements of their personal agenda. THE FIVE FOLD LEADERSHIP MINISTRY In Ephesians chapter 4, the five-fold leaders template was identified and Paul explained the purpose of the gifts. According to verse 12, the purpose of the gifts is not to boast but as tools to work with, that is: The perfecting of the saints providing leadership for other believers The work of the ministry The edifying of the body of Christ APOSTLES The word apostle is from the Greek word apostollos meaning to send. That is called to represent Christ as a missionary, preaching the gospel and establishing churches. [16] Jesus was called an Apostle sent by God (Hebrews 3:1). [17] Stamps believe that apart from the signs of an Apostle mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12:12, the apostles commissioned to write scriptures belonged to a different class to church leaders that succeed them. PROPHETS The Old Testament prophets always appeal to the conscience of Gods people to remain faithful and telling of future events. Today they warn, rebuke exhort, comfort and pronounce judgement [18] . Their prophecies however are to be authenticated by the word of God. EVANGELISTS From the Greek root word evangel meaning good news, evangelists have the tasks of spreading the gospel of Christ. Jesus commanded His disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel to all creatures. Mark 16:15. Every believer is expected to do this. But there are some specially gifted of the Holy Spirit to evangelise and win many souls by preaching, miracles and deliverance [19] . Philip is a classical NT example (Acts 21:8). PASTORS Pastors are shepherds to tend and oversee the flock of God in a local assembly. They are to feed the members with the undiluted word of God; to ensure spiritual growth and provide leadership for the congregation in a local church. Apostle Paul was very clear in expressing the qualifications of bishop, Pastor or overseers; which are not political but spiritual qualities (1 Timothy 3: 1-7). TEACHERS Teachers lead Gods people providing sound doctrine and acting as the custodians of the truthfulness of the Word of God. They check and balance the ministry of prophets to prevent heresies [20] . They are also responsible for raising other teachers. The five-fold ministry are interrelated and interdependent. Individuals within the body of Christ can possibly manifest more than one of these gifts. Apostles are said to function in all five. LEADERSHIP WITH DEFINED AND PROJECTED VISION TO FOLLOWERSHIP. According to Carson Pue, Leaders met in the past two decades and concur in the realisation of the full advantages of communicating their vision clearly and with such a feeling that people were able to follow. With numerous books on visionary leadership, Leaders wanting to achieve their target for various ministries or organisation will still need to cope with the modern requirement for the creation and communicating their visions. He made mention from John Cotters extensive research that Superior Leadership stems from power to translate a vision into reality and sustain it. Carson sums it all by the absolute need to take adequate time, involve enough people so as to successfully disseminate the vision. It will in turn be captured at all levels of workers in the organisation (boosting motivation) hence assist in progression of goals for the Ministry. [21] A biblical example is the sequence with which the Lord did the commissioning of the disciples after resurrection as recorded in Acts 1:8 where the disciples were instructed to wait for Holy Ghost baptism to acquire the power required for evangelism. [22] MANAGEMENT OF CHANGES IN LEADERSHIP. According to Michael W Foss book A servants manual, Dr Zipper symbolises the process or challenge of Change to a burning platform with a multiple attitudinal response form leadership. With the burning platform taken as the very circumstances that necessitates the required change, its management then translates to ability to call the attention of those whom the change will affect to it. While Persistence, patience and purpose are three key factors through a successful change, there are conservative leaders that will assert that the platform is not really on fire. This is an expression of denial immediately followed with the attitude that, we had fires in the past this one is no different we will soon put it out! This foregoing attitude was linked to gradual decline in church attendance research at various congregations despite sustained evangelism. The big question to consider is if the platform is burning hot enough to absorb the obvious loss. Management of Change welcomes such loss as long as focus is brought from the past to the present for the sake of good future. Leaders are enjoined to make use of only vocabulary that will influence those who will receive the changes. Leaders are to stay connected to followers as followers prefer leaders who are with them rather than the one always in front of them. [23] MANAGEMENT OF OPPOSITIONS IN LEADERSHIP Oppositions will come up from within the leadership scope and outside the scope itself, hence according to Bill Hulls book, the disciple making church, he used the example of Paul and Barnabas who saw opposition as normal and a clear projection of their success. With full recognition of Acts 14:22 where it is expected that evangelism through tribulation are the pathway to Kingdom of God. Hull says that oppositions could be gotten from the resulting friction from the implementation of Gods agenda or from being passive and allowing the Church to be moribund with a resulting clamour against poor leadership skills. He further said that in evaluating approaches to opposition, it is good to bear in mind that the enemies of the ministry should only be in the categories of the opponents of the gospel. It is essential to let the opposition count rather than being ignored. Apostle Paul in a Challenging time was encouraged by God who made it clear to him to continue the evangelism as there are many people in the city for God ( Acts 18:9-10), when he was abused by Corinthians Jews as he left them to continue preaching to the gentiles. [24] Conclusively, I am in support of Leadership that is ready to Change, manage changes as earlier mentioned by Michael Foss rather than the passive leadership that only reacts to the aftermath of challenges rather than being pro-active or be mindful of overall disposition in the scope of leadership in the areas of needful changes and apparent opposition. This in line with warning from Hosea 4:6 which God warned that his people are perishing due to lack of Knowledge. This can also be likened to indifference and overly conservative attitude of some Modern day leaders. [25]Â
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Changing Meaning of The Taming of The Shrew Essay -- Shakespeare T
The Changing Meaning of The Taming of The Shrew  Through the ages, it is common for words to change in meaning. As the world around us changes, words often take on new meanings to accommodate the changes in lifestyle and society caused by progress. Thus, it is easy to become confused when reading literature that was written several centuries before, since the very same words may hold varying significance. In "The Taming of the Scold," D.E. Underdown offers background information which makes Shakespeare's The Taming of The Shrew much more understandable in terms of the discordant ideas on women in society in different time periods. The Taming of the Shrew has a much different effect on contemporary readers than it may have had on 16th century readers, since the world has changed and society is vastly metamorphosed. When Shakespeare wrote The Taming of the Shrew, it was widely known that women should be subservient to their husbands. Today, however, in America this notion seems ludicrous. After the feminist movement, the fight for equality, women have gained much more liberty and respect than they once had. With the increased liberty, it is difficult to seriously consider how women were once treated as possessions. Because of the incongruity in views of the two eras, pieces like Underdown's "The Taming of the Scold" are crucial to a modern understanding of literature that deals with archaic social norms, chiefly since it puts the literature into the context of its creator's social mentality. Through Underdown's piece, I was able to achieve a much better understanding of the significance of Petruccio's "taming" o f Kate in the examples which explain the common practices and occurrences of the age. Kate experienced a chariv... ...low the direction of their leaders or rulers. Through explaining the relationship between the family and society, Underdown divulges the intent with which Shakespeare wrote the play. In Kate's surrendering to Petruccio, Shakespeare maintains familial and social order. Since words and the meaning or ideas behind them change over time, it is important to be able to put the literature into social context in order to derive from it its full meaning. Underdown addresses many issues in "The Taming of a Scold" which are relevant to Kate and Petruccio's behavior that are not known or understood today. Pieces like Underdown's serve as a bridge between two eras - the one in which the story was read and the one in which it was written. With the assistance of such pieces, it is possible for one to gather a much better understanding of the writer's meaning in the story. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Artificial Intelligence in the Near Future Essay
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a bunch of robots do everything for you? Cook, clean, run errands, maybe even take care of the children and animals. That sounds like a pretty easy life. What would you do though if they all turned on you; suddenly your easy life was made more difficult than before. There are two sides to Artificial Intelligence, much like there are two sides to every person. There is a lot to take in when talking about Artificial Intelligence, such as what it means, how it started, advantages, disadvantages, things that use artificial Intelligence, how do other people feel about it, how do you feel about it, and many other questions. So what is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is considered the development of machines such as robots and security systems that do the jobs of humans. They are also able to understand human speech. With this being said in the future robots will be able to do everything humans can, if not better. Things that use Artificial Intelligence will be programmed to response to voices, either any voice that speak to it, or only certain ones. Systems that can only open to a certain voice are most likely going to be used for government work, while ones that open to any can be used for everyday things. In 1963 Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 computer. This computer was the first computer that was freely programmable. 1942 John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry Created the ABC Computer, twenty years later Steve Russell and MIT invent the Spacewar computer game, which was the first computer game on record. By 1973 Robert Metcalfe and Xerox were able to come up with computer networking. Eleven years after that in 1984 Apple invented the Macintosh Computer, which was the first affordable desktop computer to be in homes. In 1949, between the ABC Computer and the first computer networking advancement in computer theory lead to computer science, and eventually Artificial Intelligence. After networking came about AI (Artificial Intelligence) became possible. Norbert Wiener was the first American to make the observation between human intelligence and machine, this happened back in 1950. Even though Norbert made the connection John McCarthy was consider the father of AI, because he put together many conferences to get AI up and working. This took seven years. Finally the Thermostat was consider the first AI because it could control the temperature in the room, it was able to notice if the room was to hot or too cold, and adjust it to your liking. Then in 1955 The Logic Theorist was developed by Newell and Simon, and consider to be the first AI computer program. BY 1960 it was predicted that by 1985 AI would be doing the job of humans (Kurweil 69) Fast forwarding to the present AI has skyrocketed. There are vacuums that all you have to do is press the power button and it does everything on its own there is no need for you to do any of the work. GPS are also a great invention, put one in your car, or type on your phone and it can tell you how to get where you need to be, as well as find shorter routes, non toll roads, as well as avoiding accidents or back up traffic, you can even put in if you are walking or riding a bike. Smart phones have made lives easier as well. There is so much you can do with them, from checking bank account to putting in reminders, and some things are even voice activated. AT&T Bell Laboratories may be the single most active telecommunications body working in Artificial Intelligence. Now if you want to have some fun with an AI, Cleverbot is the way to go. Cleverbot is a computer system that you can talk to, it’s doesn’t always have the nicest things to say, or even make sense but it is fun to play around with. The most recent thing to come of age is a car that drives itself, and is able to tell the difference between people who are walking and those on bikes. In 2004 the Company named Topix was founded by Sun Microsystems and Netscape engineers Tom Markson, Bryan Dole, and Bob Truel. This company created artificial intelligence algorithms to monitor news from more than 50,000 sources. They later added user-generated capabilities allowing site visitors to share, edit, and discuss news. Having an item that is an AI has its advantages. For starters it would make for safer work places. Some work places have jobs with low oxygen, radioactive elements or even poor weather conditions, if we have robot working in those environment instead of human, many lives could be saved. Even jobs that keep families apart would be at an all time low. NASA and the Military would also have more advance weapons. They would be able to notice and destroy other countries harmful weapons and keep us safer. Also if we had robots and other types of machines that do not need to rest or eat, they could work around the clock on finding a cure for cancer, and ending world hunger. Instead of sending our men and woman to foreign countries were they are bombed and shot at, we could send AI machines. Most of all there would be less error in the work place. Many places already use machine to do things because they can better measure out the right amount of equipment. There is a downside to using AI as well. With the rise of robots taking over jobs it means people will be replaced. The unemployment rate will go up, less people will get the help they need because too many people will need assistants, and laziness in humans will reach an all time high. Without having to go anywhere or do anything that will leave people to sit and watch TV all day. With jobs being taken away, younger generations will be at a disadvantage because they will not know what it is like to â€Å"earn a buck†. As AI grows they will be collecting all kinds of information, too much knowledge for one being is not a good thing, they might end up thinking they are smarter than us, and go haywire causing more problems. Not to mention if the wrong people get their hands on it they could misuse it. Most of all though it will be pricey. Meaning the people will have higher taxes to pay, and with robots doing all the work with money we just don’t have. When it comes to artificial intelligence my thoughts on it are 50/50. While I think it would be great to have extra help in work places or around the home, as well as not having to put so many people in danger just to get a job done I myself would not want to lose my job. I feel that if we use artificial intelligence for the good of others and not just to make things easier then we should do fine, but we must be careful that it does not fall into the wrong hands. After taking a survey of ten men and ten woman ranging from the ages twenty to forty, asking them if they think artificial intelligence would be a good use for the future, the result were as followed: five said yes, five said no, 3 were unsure, and seven think it would be both good and bad. In the twenty age group most were unsure though those who chose both were close behind, yes and no’s were equal. In the age group of thirty there were no yes’s or unsure, those who chose no were beaten out by those who chose both. In the forty age rang there were no unsure, those who chose both and no’s were equal as the yes’s beat them out. So it would seem the younger you are the more you are not sure, and the older you are the more you would like it to happen. I asked the people that I surveyed why they picked the answer they did. For those who said No, most of them said it was because they wouldn’t want to lose their job, while other worry about the system outsmarting us and causing a lot of damage and problems, pulse they have no moral judgment, compassion or other human emotions. Those who said yes were looking forward to work being easier, decision making would be easier and not put as much pressure on the person in charge. One of the people who said yes had this to say â€Å"Yes they could rescue a child from a burning building without getting hurt†¦83 Firefighters died last year while attempting to stop fires. That number would be zero if we had AI in the sense of I, Robot. That’s just one example but the implications are innumerable. Would you rather have a robot that never fatigues or gets distracted do surgery on your brain†¦ or a surgeon that may have had a late night or may have a difficult personal issu e on his mind, like a divorce? (J.s).Those who choose both thought that it should be allowed, but with limits. Everyone has questions when it comes to AI. The one that seems to be worried about the most though is â€Å"will laws change, or will there be different laws for AI? People are worried that they will have to learn a new set of laws. If by chance there are different laws for AI beings will they be just as fair as ours? Or will they have more privileges? There is so much information out there when it comes to AI that it can be hard to keep up with. Now that you know what AI is, how it started, things that use it, advantages and disadvantages, my thoughts, other peoples thoughts and questions that are asked you have a good head start on learning more. What you find may surprise you and enlighten you, but nevertheless it is very interesting. One last piece of advice I would give to anyone, is since AI can be used for good or bad, watch whose hands it falls into.
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