Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Pathophysiology of Diabetes Nephropathy and Atherosclerosis free essay sample
Nathan amp; Delhanty (2005, p. 42) keeps up that these confusions might be available at the hour of diabetes mellitus determination and allude to diabetes as a ‘silent killer†as diabetes can go unnoticed until a significant wellbeing occasion happens. Diabetes is a significant hazard factor in the advancement of diabetes nephropathy and atherosclerosis. The individual with diabetes (PWD) is at expanded danger of mortality and dreariness than everybody except these are additionally expanded within the sight of difficulties. There is a hybrid in pathophysiology of both nephropathy and atherosclerosis and the decision of these diabetes entanglements for this paper is deliberate as they have determined hyperglycaemia after some time as a shared factor (Fowler 2008; Chadban et al. 2009, pp. 32). The seriousness of hyperglycaemia and nearness of hypertension were in proof in the U. K. Imminent Diabetes Study (UKPDS) (Adler et al. 2003, pp. 225-232). Hypertension from nephropathy likewise impacts cardiovascular hazard by intensifying atherosclerosis. We will compose a custom article test on Pathophysiology of Diabetes Nephropathy and Atherosclerosis or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Albeit both sort 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes(T2D) are influenced by confusions, the focal point of this paper will be on T2D. Right off the bat, investigation on the microvascular complexity of diabetes nephropathy will be talked about and also, the macrovascualr intricacy of atherosclerosis. Significant hazard factors related with these difficulties will be examined alongside the pathophysiological procedures of diabetes nephropathy and atherosclerosis. The board procedures for rewarding diabetes nephropathy and atherosclerosis entanglements will be talked about with one treatment system for each condition which might be conveyed by a diabetes teacher. The job of hazard the board for diabetes inconveniences is to adopt a proactive multifactorial strategy with better glycaemic and pulse control, the most widely recognized two procedures used. For the PWD making methodologies practical accomplishes better results (Thomas et al. 2006, pp. 140-144) Diabetes quiet instruction of diabetic entanglements has demonstrated to have useful positive wellbeing results (Colagiuri et al. 009, p. 7). Advancing self-checking of blood glucose(SMBG), way of life education(diet, exercise, smoking and liquor end) and increment in information are a portion of the benchmarks. The National Consensus Report was acquainted with address wanted key results and maintain a strategic distance from analysis (Colagiuri et al. 2009, p. 8). In Australia Diabetes Educa tors work inside their extent of training to convey quiet instruction; in this paper the conveyance of the board techniques is inside the extent of the diabetes educator(DE) and nursing practice. DIABETES NEPHROPATHY Diabetes nephropathy is a typical microvascular confusion of diabetes and is the main supporter of end-stage kidney malady (ESKD). In Australia, 20-22% of the patients with this condition will require dialysis and conceivably a kidney transplant (Ali, 2011; O’Reilly; Bilious amp; Donnelly 2010). Nephropathy in people with diabetes is increasingly common in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) than Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) with a higher frequency in Indigenous Australians. statisics Progression is all the more unmistakably cut in T1D yet significantly affects T2D(Chadban et al. 009, p. 31). Diabetes nephropathy is characterized by proteinuria more prominent than 500 mg in 24 hours. Microalbuminuria is estimated by the egg whites discharge rate (AER) and levels between 30 to 300 mg/24 hr mark the start of renal inclusion yet without quick intercession, the PWD will advance to proteinuria and nephropathy (Chadban et al. 2009,p. 33). Roughly 7% of T2D have microalbuminuria at the hour of conclusion , which can advance to ESKD (Fowler, 2008, p. 77-82; Bilious amp; Donnelly, 2010, p. 120). UKPDS rate in T2D of microalbuminuria was 2% every year, with 10-year commonness from analysis of 25%; which increments cardiovascular hazard that has a combined rate of 10 to 40% (Adler et al. 2003, p. 225-32; Bilious amp; Donnelly, 2010, p. 121; Chadban et al. 2009, p. 11). Diabetes nephropathy is the commonest reason for hypertension in patients with diabetes (Fowler, 2008, p. 77-82; Bilious amp; Donnell, 2010,p. 119). Kaartinen et al(2007, p. 778) show solid proof that insulin obstruction is available in even mellow to direct incessant renal inadequacy before any indication of kidney work hindrance is showed. It isn't unmistakably comprehended why a PWD advances to renal disappointment and others don't, as there doesn't seem, by all accounts, to be an easygoing relationship between's acceptable or poor control. What is significant is the measure of protein that adds to movement of this condition. (Chadban et al. 2009; Gaede et al. 1999). Diabetes nephropathy is a constant condition that takes a very long time to show itself and it is roughly a normal of 5 to 8 years before an underlying analysis of diabetes is made, by which time microvascular and macrovascular harm has happened (Nuovo 2007, p. 40; Pirart 1978, pp. 168-188). The early indication of renal weakness is the spillage of protein into the pee from unusual GFR. Anyway genuine signs and side effects are industrious hypertension, oedema, iron deficiency, hyperglycaemia, proteinuria, haematuria, oliguria and anuria(less than 100ml pee every day). The nearness of obvious proteinuria requires quick mediation and early referral to neph rologist. Circulatory strain and glycaemic control has been appeared to diminish protein and balance out renal capacity (RACGP Diabetes Management Guidelines 2011/2012, pp. 62-63). Hazard Factors Hypertension and hyperglycaemia are viewed as the major contributing elements to the advancement of nephropathy. The nearness of focal weight with the option of smoking, stationary way of life all includes to the interest the body that over burdens insulin to satisfy these needs. Hereditary phenotypes, hereditary helplessness, has been shown as hazard factors, however past examinations have been uncertain. Different variables of raised serum lipids and the sum and starting point of dietary protein is essential and ethnicity with expanded occurrence in indigenous Australians. The consistency of diabetes nephropathy can be measured by the length of long standing diabetes from determination (RACGP Diabetes Management Guidelines 2011/2012, pp. 62-63; Fowler, 2008). Pathophysiology of Diabetes Nephropathy Understanding the life structures and capacity of the glomerulus is urgent in understanding diabetes nephropathy. The glomerulus is a globular molded container with various vessels that effectively work at sifting liquid from the blood to shape pee. The glomerulus is one of the key structures that make up the filtration segment of the nephron, the utilitarian unit of the kidney which underpins the mesangial cells and grid. Diabetes pattern of care can likewise add to the decrease of diabetes inconveniences whenever followed constantly (RACGP Diabetes Management Guidelines 2011/2012, p. 34). Thirdly, the DE can convey significant data on the connection between's hazard elements and potential confusions to advance self-administration of standard meds and SMBG; making objective levels accessible and perceiving the pertinence of their own levels. There is no reason for self-observing without comprehension. The objective HbA1c is lower or equivalent to 7 %( Chadban et al. 2009, p. 30-35). Nuovo (2007,p. 45) states a 1% drop in HbA1c will bring down mortality in complete mortality by 14%, and fundamentally a 43% diminishing in removals with a 24% decline in renal disappointment. Pro/ARBS ACE/ARBs moderate the advancement of CKD and CVD. As an administration system in T2D presenting angiotensin-changing over chemical (ACE) inhibitors decline circulatory strain. A few examinations have shown reno defensive imp acts of treatment with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and diminishes danger of movement to microalbuminuria in patients by 60-70% (Adler 2003, pp. 25-232; RACGP Diabetes Management Guidelines 2011/21012, p. 58; Fowler 2008,pp. 77-82). Concentrated intercession in T2D patients can diminish the movement of nephropathy and conceivably eases back movement of renal impairment(Schrier et al. 2007, p. 431). CARI suggests intercessions including, â€Å"antihypertensive treatments, ACE inhibitors, and An II receptor opponents, calcium channel blockers, dietary protein limitation and glucose control, and mediations to control hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidaemia†(Chadban et al. 2009, p. 30-35). Diuretics might be considered to keep up pee yield (Chadban et al. 2009, p. 30-35). Pulse control Hypertension is related with an expanded danger of numerous entanglements of DM, including cardiovascular sickness, and the discoveries from the UKPDS demonstrate that any decrease in a person’s normal circulatory strain altogether lessens the danger of difficulties in nephropathy(Thomas 2006, pp2213-2234 ). Hypertension and diabetes ought to be analyzed early and rewarded forcefully to forestall related entanglements. The UKPDS indicated cap circulatory strain control assists with keeping away from cardiovascular complexities in T2D and â€Å"†¦each 10 mmHg decline in mean systolic pulse was related with 12% decrease in the hazard for any difficulty identified with diabetes, 15% decrease in passings identified with diabetes, 11% decrease in myocardial dead tissue, and 13% decrease in microvascular complications†(Lago et al. 2007, p. 667). ATHEROSCLEROSIS The Australi an Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) discovered PWD have an expanded danger of creating coronary illness (CHD), stroke and fringe vascular ailment (PVD) with 60% announced they likewise had cardiovascular ailment. Diabetes, kidney infection and CVD represent 25% of the weight of sickness in Australia, and just shy of 66% all things considered
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Battle Of The Ants And Shooting An Elephant Essays -
Clash Of The Ants And Shooting An Elephant Imperialistic View In both The Battle of the Ants by Thoreau and Shooting an Elephant by Orwell, government assumes a job. The two creators present, somewhat, their points of view and sentiments about colonialism. Orwell and Thoreau both present dominion allegorically using creatures and creepy crawlies. The creators in this manner purposeful their reflection on government by either being an imperialistic power or by participating in dominion. In The Battle of the Ants by Thoreau and Shooting an Elephant by Orwell, the two creators use analogies to speak to their points of view on dominion. In Shooting an Elephant Orwell is partaking in colonialism by demonstrating his capacity and nobility to the locals. In The Battle of the Ants Thoreau goes about as the colonialist, or head, looking out for an allegorical fight between ants wherein he never meddles or participates in. Thoreau speaks to government by contrasting the dark radical ants against the red republican ants. In shooting an elephant the elephant in representative of colonialism speaking to control as an untamed creature that has authority over the town. In the two stories the creators use creatures to speak to a noteworthy representation for dominion. Orwell utilizes a huge and exceptionally amazing creature to speak to colonialism, while Thoreau utilizes a little yet solid creature. This examination prompts the understanding that the force behind government is ju st as solid as its predominant rulers. In Shooting an Elephant Orwell speaks to the elephant as a power more noteworthy than the storyteller can murder. It makes the storyteller a few efforts to kill him, and a delayed timeframe for him to pass on. The elephants controlling power over the storyteller is contrasted with that of a settler. Orwell is confronted with a significant choice of whether he should shoot the elephant. In the event that he does as such, he will be a legend to his kin. Thusly, he would be surrendering to the royal power behind the elephant that he finds so unfair and abhorrent. In the event that the storyteller releases the elephant and safe the locals will chuckle at him and cause him to feel second rate for not having the option to ensure the town. In The Battle of the Ants Thoreau never communicates his sentiments on colonialism, yet utilizes the ants to allegorically show how dominion is uncalled for. Thoreau depicts the dark ants as the settlers who are bigger and more grounded contrasted with th e red ants that speak to the republicans. Thoreau depicts the horrifying fight that is going on outside his entryway and looks as the dark radical ants battle to a nerve racking passing, or triumph, indicating how neither one of the sides is happy to surrender. Orwell and Thoreau both use creatures to speak to dominion articulating the storytellers sees in which they are either partaking in colonialism, or assuming the piece of a radical. In The Battle of the Ants Thoreau assumes the job of the settler while in Shooting an Elephant Orwell is partaking in dominion. In Shooting an Elephant the storyteller feels constrained by the locals to slaughter the elephant. The locals assume the job of colonialists as they remain in a major group behind him hanging tight for him to shoot the elephant. Colonialists utilize their kin (figuratively) as their little plastic fiqures they convey to battle. The Emporers and Queens have power over them however never partake in the real battling, similar to how the locals never participated in shooting of the elephant. The storyteller talks about how he is so against dominion, yet surrenders to the locals by shooting the elephant to demonstrate he is solid and to stay away from embarrassment. The locals just utilize the storyteller to accomplish the elephants meat and tusks. The storyteller turned into the groups manikin being pushed back and forth by the desire of those yellow faces behin d. (Orwell 1837) In The Battle of the Ants Thoreau goes about as a colonialist viewing the ants do fight over one another. As a storyteller, Thoreau has a bigger all the more impressive position over the ants. Toward the finish of the story Thoreaus contemplations on colonialism are those of experience. Thoreau says: I never realized which gathering was triumphant, nor
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
What is a Soft Credit Check
What is a Soft Credit Check What is a Soft Credit Check? What is a Soft Credit Check?Unlike hard credit inquiries, a soft inquiry made on your credit wont show up on your credit report and isnt reflected in your FICO score!You’ve probably heard of blank checks: That’s a check without any amount written on it, so the person who is going to cash it can put down any number they want. It’s commonly used in the film business to indicate that a director was allowed to make a very expensive passion project.But have you heard of credit checks?Oh, you have? Well, do you know the difference between hard credit checks and soft credit checks?You don’t? What do you want?You want to see a GIF of a dog watching Youtube videos? OK, fine.Satisfied? Good, because there are other readers who do want to learn about credit checks. Get out of here. Shoo!Great, now that it’s just the readers interested in learning about credit checks, we can get to it.Credit checks: what are they?When you apply for a personal loan or credit card, your potential credito rs will want to know how likely you are to actually pay that loan back. That’s why they’ll perform a credit check before deciding whether you qualify for a loan.When a company or an individual performs a credit check, they’ll get a copy of your credit report. Your credit report has information about your previous credit history, your current amounts owed, accounts that have been turned over to collections, and previous credit checks.These reports are compiled by the three major credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. The information on those reports is also how your credit score is compiled.In addition to potential creditors, you may have to undergo a credit check when interviewing for a new job or applying for an apartment. It’s important to be aware of all of this because a credit check can temporarily ding your credit score.Credit checks: What are the two kinds?While some credit checks will have a negative effect on your credit, not all of them will.“Soft cre dit checks are also known as passive credit checks,†explained Todd Christensen, education manager for Money Fit by DRS, Inc. (@MoneyFitbyDRS). “On your credit history, they might be listed under the ‘Account Reviews’ or the ‘Promotional Inquiries’ sections, depending upon the consumer reporting agency.“Whereas a hard inquiry is generated when a creditor checks your credit report as part of a credit application process you have begun, a soft inquiry often happens without your knowledge, at least until you check your credit. Soft inquiries, like hard inquiries, remain on your credit for about two years. Soft inquiries have absolutely no effect on your credit rating.â€Because hard credit checks, especially many in a row, can drag down your credit, it’s important not to go applying for things that will trigger a hard credit check without putting some thought behind it. If it involves a soft credit check, on the other hand, then you don’t really need to worry. So it†™s worth figuring out what kind of credit check you’d be dealing with before undergoing one.Credit checks: Can you avoid them?Legally, a potential creditor, landlord, or employer can not perform a credit check without your agreement. Of course, sometimes illegal things happen, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your own credit report so you can dispute any hard credit checks that might show up that you did not agree to.Not sure how you can check your credit report? You can go to once a year to get one free copy of your credit report from each credit bureau. (Thats a total of three free reports per year!) Don’t use any other site, as it could be a scam. And looking for errors is an important reason to check your credit report, but it isn’t the only one.While you theoretically can avoid ever going through a credit check, it would be difficult to live your life that way. Unless you’re okay with paying for everything in cash, you’ll probably be mor e or less forced into undergoing a credit check at some point.However, if youre applying for bad credit loansâ€"like installment loansâ€"theres a good chance that the lender will only be running a soft credit check. Meanwhile, many no credit check loansâ€"like payday loans, title loans, and cash advancesâ€"dont require any kind of credit check at all.(And while that might seem like a good thing, there are certain risks to taking out a storefront or online loan from a lender who doesnt check your ability to repay.)If you dont want any credit checksâ€"even soft onesâ€"being run on your history unless you expressly consent to them, theres a way to address that.“You can opt out of all promotional inquiries for five years at or by calling 888-567-8688,†advised Christensen. “If you want to opt out permanently, you can use the online form at the same website but will need to send it by mail.â€Hopefully, this has given you a better understanding of what credit checks are and how hard credit checks and soft credit checks work. Now you can go join the dog GIF watchers who left earlier. Seems like a fun time!To learn more about managing your credit score, check out these other posts and articles from OppLoans:How to Raise Your Credit Score by 100 PointsWill Closing a Credit Card Affect Your Credit Score?What 5 Factors Determine Your Credit Score?What Exactly Is A “Bad†Credit Score?Do you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. | InstagramContributorsAuthor and Accredited Financial Counselor ®, Todd R. Christensen, MIM, MA, is Education Manager at Money Fit by DRS, Inc. (@MoneyFitbyDRS), a nationwide nonprofit financial wellness and credit counseling agency. Todd develops educational programs and produces materials that teach personal financial skills and responsibilities to all ages. Having facilitated nearly two thousand workshops since 2004 on the fundamen tals of effective money management, he based his first book, Everyday Money for Everyday People (2014), on the discussions, tips, stories and ideas shared by the tens of thousands of individuals and couples in attendance.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
35 Common Prefixes in English
If you were a prefix, you could change the same word in different ways.You could make a cycle a unicycle, a bicycle, or a tricycle.(Marcie Aboff and Sara Gray, If You Were a Prefix. Picture Window Books, 2008) A prefix is a letter or a group of letters attached to the beginning of a word (or word root) that partly indicates its meaning. For example, the word prefix itself begins with the prefix pre-, which generally means before or in front of. (By contrast, a letter or group of letters attaching to the end of a word is called a suffix.) Many of todays English words contain prefixes from Greek or Latin. Understanding the meanings of the most common prefixes can help us deduce the definition of new words that we run across in our reading, especially knowing that they can make a word mean its opposite, such as the difference between possible and impossible.Still, we do need to be careful. The same prefix may be ​spelled in more than one way (pre- and pro-, for instance), and some prefixes (such as in-) have more than one meaning (in this case, not or without versus in or into). Even so, being able to recognize prefixes can help us build our vocabularies. To Hyphenate or Not? Rules vary as to when a word should have a hyphen separating it from its prefix. Go by the dictionary if you are unsure. If you are writing a paper for a class and a particular style guide is used, such as MLA, the Chicago Manual of Style, or APA, the stylebook may have a hyphenation guide or a preferred dictionary to follow for which words to hyphenate and which to close up. If a prefix is attached to a proper noun, you generally hyphenate, such as pre-World War II or anti-American. The following table defines and illustrates 35 common prefixes. Common Prefixes Prefix Meaning Examples a-, an- without, lack of, not amoral, acellular, abyss, achromatic, anhydrous ante- before, earlier, in front of antecedent, antedate, antemeridian, anterior anti- against, opposite of anticlimax. antiaircraft, antiseptic, antibody auto- self, same autopilot, autobiography, automobile, autofocus circum- around, about circumvent, circumnavigate, circumscribe co- with, together co-pilot, co-worker, co-exist, co-author com-, con- together, with companion, commingle, contact, concentrate contra-, contro- against, opposite contradict, contrast, contrary, controversy de- down, off, away from devalue, deactivate, debug, degrade, deduce dis- not, apart, away disappear, disagreeable, disbar, dissect en- put into, cover with enclose, entangle, enslave, encase ex- out of, from, former extract, exhale, excavate, ex-president extra- beyond, outside, more than extracurricular, extramarital, extravagant hetero- different, other heterosexual, heterodox, heterogeneous homo-, homeo- same, alike homonym, homophone, homeostasis, homosexual hyper- over, more, beyond hyperactive, hypersensitive, hypercritical il-, im-, in-, ir- not, without illegal, immoral, inconsiderate, irresponsible in- in, into insert, inspection, infiltrate inter- between, among intersect, interstellar, intervene, interpenetrate intra-, intro- within, inside intravenous, intragalactic, introvert macro- large, prominent macroeconomics, macrostructure, macrocosm micro- very small microscope, microcosm, microbe mono- one, single, alone monocle, monologue, monogamy, monotony non- not, without nonentity, nonaggressive, nonessential, nonfiction omni- all, every omniscient, omnivorous, omniscient, omnidirectional post- after, behind postmortem, posterior, postscript, postoperative pre-, pro- before, forward precede, predict, project, prologue sub- under, lower submarine, subsidiary, substandard sym-, syn- same time, together symmetry, symposium, synchronize, synapse tele- from or over a distance telecommunications, telemedicine, television, telephone trans- across, beyond, through transmit, transaction, translation, transfer tri- three, every third tricycle, trimester, triangle, triathlon un- not, lacking, opposite of unfinished, unskilled, ungraceful, unfriendly uni- one, single unicorn, unicellular, unicycle, unilateral up- to the top or north, higher/better upbeat, updo, upgrade, upload, uphill, upstage, upscale, up-tempo
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis of The Moose Essay examples - 1406 Words
Analysis of The Moose Elizabeth Bishops The Moose is a narrative poem of 168 lines. Its twenty-eight six-line stanzas are not rigidly structured. Lines vary in length from four to eight syllables, but those of five or six syllables predominate. The pattern of stresses is lax enough almost to blur the distinction between verse and prose; the rhythm is that of a low-keyed speaking voice hovering over the descriptive details. The eyewitness account is meticulous and restrained. The poem concerns a bus traveling to Boston through the landscape and towns of New Brunswick. While driving through the woods, the bus stops because a moose has wandered onto the road. The appearance of the animal interrupts the peaceful hum of elderly†¦show more content†¦The thirty-six-line introduction is the most sustained piece of writing in the poem. It forms a sequence of red-leaved and purple Canadian landscapes through which the blue bus journeys. Then, in smaller units, for another thirty-six lines the bus route is reviewed, main stops mentioned, and further details concerning the passengers, the weather, and the scenic sights duly recorded. Day is replaced by evening, and light gives way to darkness. The eleventh stanza brings in a climactic moment of equilibrium and economy of design. Beginning with the thirteenth stanza, the first quotes are used, as they will again be in the twentieth, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth, and, finally, in the twenty-seventh stanza. Stanza 14â€â€the moonlight episodeâ€â€is the very center of the poem. This section is rhymeless, though this is amply compensated for by the triple epithets in the third line, and it marks the transition from the outer, natural world to the inner, human concerns of the second part of the work, which includes lines 85-129. Usually unchronicled and unheroic human tragedy receives an indirect presentation, culminating with the moving and dramatically rendered twentieth stanza. The third part of the poem begins, appropriately, in mid-stanza with line 130. The encounter with the mooseâ€â€the climax of the entire poemâ€â€is allotted two descriptive stanzas (the twenty-fourth and the twenty-sixth). The remaining two stanzas form a kind of a coda,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Bull Moose By Alden Nowlan959 Words  | 4 Pagesforests and food sources essential to survive causing animals to patrol areas once believed to be wilderness. This situation occurs in â€Å"The Bu ll Moose†by Alden Nowlan, the moose after traveling stumbles upon a farm, experiencing fatigue the moose rests. While resting, the townspeople gazed upon him and interact with him like a domesticated animal. As the moose stands its ground, the officer takes aim and fire his rifle. 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By using his experiences in life as aRead MoreSummary Of The Pig Who Learned On Read 1709 Words  | 7 Pages He earned 4 out of nine possible points on these questions showing that he was slightly unfamiliar with what something new was and what it truly meant to read. He was very hesitant to answer these questions. b. Miscue Scores- For me the Miscue Analysis is one of the best tools to see where the student needs to go, and what tools will best benefit him. Overall Jimmy had 23 out miscues on 176 words. That was his total number of miscues. On his total acceptability miscues he had 16 miscues out of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Research Proposal Sample on Vodafone Uk Customer Satisfaction Free Essays
In the business industry, it is important to gather customer to make the product and services sold. Therefore, keeping a customer is difficult in the business when it is in the starting stage. A business will find it harder to find prospective and loyal customer when operating abroad. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal Sample on Vodafone Uk Customer Satisfaction or any similar topic only for you Order Now And because of the economic problem that many countries are facing now, another challenge was revived; how to keep the customer? The Customer Satisfaction The customer satisfaction is a business term that measures how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy1. Every business’s mission is making the customers as their first priority. In accordance to this, the business must fill or serve the satisfaction of their customers according to what preferences that the market is demanding for. For an instance, if the business is in the food industry and the customers’ wants different variations of soup then, the management must look forward to create sumptuous dishes. Some business use different approach in leading their customers in the satisfactory stage like making special for their valued customer or raffle promo or making a sale for some products, anything that will catch the customers’ attention and at the end bringing the profit and customers’ trusts. The business literally promotes their product with the use of their customer because if one customer felt great to their product or enjoyed the service, he/she will make it on the broadcast among with their friends. The value of customers in the business is very high thus; the business needs to find impressions to keep them coming back to their establishment. In the case of finding such market in the other country, is like finding a needle in a vast gassy meadow. It is hard when the business is new to the eye of the customers. It is hard when the business is not prepared in approaching the customers well. It is hard when the business has many competitors in the area. The need for adjustment is highly acceptable. And because of these issues that surround the business industry, the proper guidance is highly appreciated. The Vodafone case can be a basis in catching the customer’s interest. The Vodafone Vodafone UK has more than 17 million customers and is part of the world’s largest mobile community. Vodafone’s leadership in mobile voice and data communications has continued, thanks largely to its focus on developing its brand and customer experience2. In this big company, reaching the respect of the customers is not new to them. Most especially, the Vodafone is a technology-based business and the impact of acceptance is expectedly high. But even a good business like Vodafone still needs to assess their customers and answer every question of their customer. They also consider many opinions and suggestion coming from their customers so that, the evidence in the growing customer acceptance make their gross reach the highest every year. However, the challenge is still there in every kind of business. Customer’s Challenge Vodafone is constantly looking for new ways to drive interaction and enhance the service that we offer to our customers, while at the same time making the life of our people simpler and more rewarding. However, Vodafone recognized that it was not differentiating the needs of its in-store customers or allocating store employees according to their areas of expertise. This meant waiting times could be lengthy and the level of service provided varied on the store employee’s area of expertise. So, Vodafone introduced a re-branding program aimed at improving the customer journey in store, as well as differentiating Vodafone from its competitors. Based on the macro planning principles of â€Å"Organize me, Engage me†, the key components of the refit included greater automation in-store, the option for self-service through kiosks, and footfall counters to track the volume of customers in-store and optimize the customer flow. Benefits to the Customer †¢ Improve the customer experience – customers now have more time to browse the store and choose how to purchase, so everyone benefits from faster and more efficient service, in a more relaxed atmosphere. This has led to a considerable uplift in customer satisfaction. Increase performance – optimized stores outperform other stores. Average contract volumes have increased with average upgrade volumes also increasing. †¢ Minimize business disruption – systems availability is enhanced, with a substantial reduction in support calls and improvement in first time fixes, increasing sales opportunities †¢ Maximize profit margins – self-serv ice significantly reduces the cost of sale especially amongst core pre-pay customers †¢ Enhance productivity – automation of commodity purchases enables faster transaction times and frees up resources to help other customers. The number of customers leaving stores without seeing an advisor is also declining †¢ Reduce support costs – tailoring services and removing duplicate effort and resources has cut costs, while increasing the overall level of support †¢ Optimize resource deployment – increased management information, such as customer numbers, waiting times and sales conversion figures, is helping to track and measure the customer experience in-store and enable staffing roles to be prepared to reflect store and customer requirements. The Business Case for Measuring Impacts The nature of multinational business is complex, shaped by globalization and rapid socio-economic and political change. Sustainability issues are increasingly contributing to this complexity, not least climate change, resource constraints, endemic poverty and ecosystem degradation. Committing to create a more sustainable and inclusive form of globalization and the following are the key objectives3: †¢ Develop a deeper understanding of how global issues such as poverty, the environment, demographic change and globalization affect individual companies and sectors; †¢ Use the understanding of these issues to search for more inclusive business solutions that help to address the issues at both a local and global scale; †¢ Align core business strategies with the solutions identified; †¢ Incorporate long-term measures into the definition of success, targeting profitability that is sustainable and supported by a responsible record in managing social, environmental and employment matters. The Business in Developing Countries Companies recognize the risks and opportunities their operations face in developing countries and the important role they play in influencing change. They rely on transparent legal systems, access to markets and infrastructure services, social stability, healthy and skilled employees and suppliers, as well as consumers willing and able to purchase their products and services. While these conditions are critical for business growth and success, the benefits resulting from the presence of multinational business and the associated in-flows of capital may not reach all sectors of society. The consequence can be a thriving middle and upper class while the low-income segment gets left behind. This can lead to strained relations between business and the communities associated with their activities, increased scrutiny from civil society organizations and greater levels of political pressure from local and national governments, all of which can increase commercial risks for investors3. Conclusion The importance of customer in one business can affect the operation of a multinational company most especially in the developing countries. The success of a multinational company can make an additional growth in their own economy. Getting the heart of the customers are essential to keep the business moving. Although there are many factors that can affect a business that is new in the face of the foreign country, the main strategy that the study can add is to look for a customer that has a same nationality of the business. For example, the American business is new to Japan, therefore, the business should target their very own race first before entering the Japanese culture and became part of their life. References: 1.     Gitman, L; McDaniel, C., (2005). The Future of Business: The Essentials. Mason, Ohio: South-Western. ISBN 0324320280. 2.     Vodafone Case in Customer Satisfaction (n.d.). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug 2009]. 3.     Impact: Beyond the Bottom Line (2008). WBCBD. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug 2009]. Read more: How to cite Research Proposal Sample on Vodafone Uk Customer Satisfaction, Essays
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Metabical for Advertizing Techniques and Media- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMetabical for Advertizing Techniques and Media. Answer: Overview Introduction of a new product into the market needs well-structured market positioning plan and communications strategy. The report was about the introduction of Metabical, a new drug for weight loss. The drug had undergone through extensive testing and was found to be more effective than the existing drug in the market. Due to the need to promote the drug using extensive marketing approaches, the marketing director Printup in conjunction with the sales director identified an urge to develop a good market positioning and communications for the new brand. This involved looking at the consumer behavior and a number of marketing communications factors. A number of promotion techniques, advertizing techniques and media, market research techniques, and other essential marketing communication approaches had been evaluated. The Decision Making Process and Sales Team The decision making process had involved identifying the problem which may exist in the promotion of Metabical to the target consumer, defining of the main issues, determining options or alternatives, evaluating the various options, selecting from the available options the best and optimal solution then putting that into action. The top managementas the main decision maker devised a plan that could be executed by the sales representatives which had the main objective to create product awareness, to guarantee high quality and customer satisfaction, to help achieve product positioning. The decision making was centralized so as to achieve better communication and ensure effective coordination and control. It also engaged promotion management decision making decision making technique which relied on the experience of the marketing director and on evidence drawn from the marketing research. Information was made available at all cost so as to ensure everything was done as per the set obje ctives. The sole target consumer was the overweight individuals but the target audience was the general public which was found to be concerned with weight loss. Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior There are at least six demographic attributes that are considered for market segmentation of not only Metabical, but any new product. They included; age, sex, marital status, education level, occupation profession, and household income. By grouping the target customers in this manner, it becomes easier to know how to strategize the marketing communication plan. A number of the targeted customers are the young people (a higher percentage are young women and those that are single) since they were found to be more concerned with their weight. The company however developed a promotional mix which involved covering the entire target audience while grouping the audience into the target customers using those attributes mentioned above. Segmentation is further achieved by not only looking at the demographic attributes but also the geo-demographic attributes and the psychographics. For instance, one can argue that its important to look at the purchasing behavior as a way of segmenting people by the way they live, geo-demographic; Or, by the interests of the people such as their lifestyle and opinions, psychographics. The procedure on market segmentation involved analyzing the consumer product relationships; the bases of segmentation; developing a positioning plan; selecting a segmentation strategy; and designing a marketing mix. Differential Advantage In order to ensure that CSP had positioned its Metabical brand more effectively, it was required to evaluate the market structure by evaluating the competitive advantage. The second thing was to evaluate the most effective consumer segmentation strategy. It was also considered essential to carry out surveys, interviews and in general research so as to come up with the consumer perception of the product in relation with the competitors products. CSP also embarked on evaluating and communicating the benefits associated with the product. Positioning Strategy In order to position an effective product positioning for Metabical, its very essential to position the brand using the positioning by attributes approach. This is important because the target consumer tends to look at the benefits and product features. The customers are more concerned with the contents of the product and whether it can achieve what we say it does. Different attributes can be combined such as having the ability to reduce calories and also increase the metabolism rate for enhancing longer life. With this kind of strategy, its necessary to have a consumer-driven communication strategy. However, it needs marketing communications tools to attract and engage with the consumers of the clients. Based on the selected strategy and the sales costs associated with marketing of the product, the estimated budget can help in meeting the performance goals. Marketing Mix and Timeline Its very important to have a marketing communication strategy which is a mix strategy comprising of advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling. The timeline would be 12 month timeline. In order to build this timeline, the first step that was taken into consideration was the setting of the strategy. It also followed that a typical message that the product promotion could carry is determined. The various activities are scheduled in monthly basis and a timeline is set for each element mentioned in the strategy. Within this 12 month timeline, various communications both internal and external should be well programmed. The success of the strategy is measured using some metrics and benchmarks.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Seven Deadly Sins Review Essay Example
The Seven Deadly Sins Review Paper Essay on The Seven Deadly Sins To begin, I want to say a few words about the structure of the novel: it is composed of multiple, seemingly unrelated to each other stories, but the author argues that it is one and indivisible novel. A novel about the love of the real and the illusory YM Decrypting the initials of the author does not offer, including the Reader to the game, because he is a master nonlinear prose. It is assumed that we will turn to the Internet and one of the sites pocherpnom information that Milorad Pavic Jasmina Mihajlovic so call each other (she did Moscow, he did YA.M.) Who are they? Real-life people? Or maybe just a computer game characters, which creates YM And maybe all this can only dream of M? Or he saw it in the mirror, which are not reflected dreams? The world of fragmentary novel consists of dreams, illusions, and reflections. The reader can clearly imagine these dreams, more reminiscent of a picture, which the author has decided to tell us and to convey the events of this artwork is not with paint, and it is through words. Therefore, we can conclude that in the first fragment sleep plays a role of a material object, which actually goes beyond the stereotype is no such thing as a dream. We will write a custom essay sample on The Seven Deadly Sins Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Seven Deadly Sins Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Seven Deadly Sins Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this novel Pavic compares even such intangible things as thought, with objects that any person can feel, feel, count. Human thought as the room. This comparison extends beyond the usual perception of readers, especially when the author equates sleep to the nocturnal wanderings of our minds for many rooms, that is, according to our thoughts, which remain locked up until sleep would not visit us. He talks about such things, which many seemed clear and is not negotiable, but Pavic turns many concepts. If you talk briefly about the plot of the novel, in her speech about how the hero, an architect, a designer, in not furnishes a house close to him a woman. We can say that the dream is the frame of the whole work. Sleep, according to Pavic, in every human life is very important. A persons thoughts are interconnected with dreams, is a unified whole, only in a dream come to our innermost thoughts, which could not come into our head in reality due to its insolvency and madness. and so the dream! They all gathered back the thoughts that flashed through your mind awake and rushed to escape, like a flock of covetous forty or fish. And now wander along the banks of new ideas, lazy, like buffalo herd In short, all the seven deadly sins are swarming in peoples heads and waiting in the wings  » This work tells about a dream catcher, the main place of residence which are the dreams of other people. The concept of the dream catcher is interesting because it is still a dream considered something intimate and personal, a secret that was discovered only sleeping, but here the idea may be that sleep can intrude outsiders who will have access to all your innermost thoughts and dreams, so here it is again spins the traditional concepts. at the bottom of every dream is God  ». In the novel, we meet the great sinners and artists Pushkin heroes, architects describe real people, buildings, objects. And it always turns out that the author is just playing with us. After all, even the ending of the novel to be thinking the self: And then I, the author of these lines wrote that the soul of the last stupid wiser than  » Then invent itself .
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Tips For Writing an A Grade Marketing Essay
Tips For Writing an A Grade Marketing Essay Marketing Essay Paper: Writing a Unique Essay For you to craft a good marketing essay, you should be conversant with both the subject you are to discuss and discipline it is categorized under. Below are the aspects that you should consider while writing your marketing essay: Basic rules Before you write about marketing, make sure that you know the general purpose of the discipline. It is referred to as a complete study through analysis of the wide range of market segments in relation to the potential financial profit they offer. A compelling marketing essay should begin with a good thesis statement. Choose the topic you are to discuss and decide on the particulars that will be addressed in your paper. You should, however, know that this is the first step of many you will encounter as you craft your marketing essay. Even though you may have good ideas that concern the topic of discussion, they will not make clear sense without support from credible facts and data. This requires you to conduct a lot of research and narrowing your topic down. Do keep in mind that a marketing essay is no different than any other essay and it will require you to structure it in an engaging manner. Both writing skill and the collective information given are vital towards the crafting of an impressive essay. Structure your work within pre-established frameworks In most cases, you will be working on a topic that has already been covered by different students. The use of the pre-established framework will ease your work greatly. One of the best ways to conduct your research is by placing focus on operating companies and thoroughly evaluating their products and marketing strategies. This will help you in the crafting of your thesis statement and provide substantial insight into operational marketing and business strategies. When crafting your essay, focus on making it more practical than just giving theoretical information. For the next research stage, gather enough information from credible sources that will support your point of view and ideas that are to be expressed. The number of sources to use will depend on the topic of discussion you are handling and just in case you need clarification, consult your professor about it. Use the guideline given to direct the sources you are to use. It does not mean that the more the sources, the more the quality of the work. Quality depends on how you express your ideas and correctly back them up with supporting arguments from a credible source. You should be limited to one new source for each page you write. While in the process of choosing the sources to use, have in mind that blogs and Wikipedia pages do not count are reliable academic sources. Try using the Google scholar instead to get your sources and information you require. Always search for the latest information concerning your subject and mostly source your work from articles published by well-known universities or colleges. Newspapers, magazines and academic books still serve as reliable sources of information. Make sure you interpret and analyze used sources to make your management essay more sufficient and worth a good grade. The sources you find and plan to use will give you a better insight into the topic you are to handle. This should make you craft a persuasive thesis statement for your essay. Your paper will be built based on your thesis statement, as you will see when you progress to the main body of your work. Before embarking on writing your management, first structure the outline that you will use to place your logical flow of ideas. Ideally, think of it as the plan for your essay. You should just write down the main points in an understandable manner. This will help you maintain focus as you write, thus reducing the chances of you getting a writer’s block as you work on the management essay paper. Factual evidence is the basis for a good idea you express. Make sure that while presenting your ideas, you back up with facts, statistics or any other relevant data that will hold its credibility to place. Relate each point to the present real-world business sector. It is also advisable to add case study examples. They will help you explain your main idea (thesis) broadly. Incorporate marketing case studies to your essay Case studies are important in ensuring you understand how the topic you are discussing relates to the present day business environment. You can also use it to start your introduction. This will provide you a chance to be straight forward to the reader as you will highlight the meaning of your research and its relevance. After you have crafted your introduction, shift your attention to the configuring of your body paragraphs. At this point keep in mind that each paragraph you begin should describe and explain a different idea from the one expressed in the previous paragraph. A topic sentence is an added advantage since it summarizes what the reader is to expect while going through a particular body paragraph. After you have put across your ideas and supported them with relevant arguments, move to the conclusion part of your essay. You should highlight the conclusion you have arrived at for each idea presented. Avoid leaving any questions unanswered or introducing new information. Keep in mind that a good conclusion gives ground to expressing the practical importance of the management essay. Revise your marketing essay Don’t revise your work just after finishing writing the essay. You are bound to skip sections that require editing of errors that might affect your final grades on the paper. Give yourself like two days before you embark on this task. Ensure that all ideas have been addressed and backed up with arguments that hold value to your main point of view. After completing this, you can now proofread your work again and resolve any grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Pay attention to the academic format required Your marketing essay should comply with all the standard rules for academic writing, with formatting as an integral part of it. Use the specifications given by your professor to comply with the formatting styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). Make sure you maintain consistency of the formats all through your paper. That sums up the information you need to know about marketing essay writing. If you feel like you still need assistance, you can subscribe to our professional writing account to get your job done by our professionals at reasonable prices!
Thursday, February 20, 2020
What is the connection between Renaissance Humanism and the Protestant Essay
What is the connection between Renaissance Humanism and the Protestant Reformation - Essay Example Martin Luther, who was a staunch reformist, was certainly for this belief, but for him and other reformists, these ideals gave rise to political considerations. As a result of this, the aspects of renaissance humanism that had been incorporated in the protestant reformation, were fossilized with time. Then later Renaissance humanism, led to new advances in thought, but protestant reformation, was static to a large extent. This was in a clear reason to maintain a strong opposition to the Catholics in Rome. (McGrath, 1987. Pg 107) A good example of a protestant belief that is taken from the Renaissance humanism and later was fossilized is the protestant rejection of the deuterocanonical books that is; Sirach, Baruch, wisdom, Judith, etc. this are the extra books in the catholic bible. (McGrath, 1985. Pg 81) Again the Renaissance humanism had started in the early 100 hundred years. This was before the protestant reformation. The renaissance humanism had influenced churchmen and the whole society at large. When Reformation began, there were many members of the Cardinals College who had already been in the Renaissance humanism and were pushing for change in the Catholic Church in Rome. These were the likes of Cardinal Cajetan, who had opposed Martin Luther at the Diet of Augsburg. Therefore, when reformation started, it was quickly absorbed by the European rulers. These Rulers cynically endorsed reformation for political purposes. (Lucas 1986. Pg
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Why the actual budget deficit is not a good indicator of the fiscal Essay
Why the actual budget deficit is not a good indicator of the fiscal stance and suggest any other better alternatives - Essay Example The budget deficit must therefore be subjected to an intense analysis and scrutiny. Unless it is cautiously interpreted, the budget as is conventionally defined deficit can give rise to misleading conclusions regarding fiscal policy stance. Such conclusions may result in erroneous policy prescriptions that cause more harm than good to the economy (Abedian and Biggs 1998). For many years policy makers placed a lot of emphasis on limiting government’s role in the economy and lowering the budget deficit (Easterly and Schmidt-Hebbel 2004). The two were regarded as policy goals necessary to achieve equity, growth and redistribution of resources. The big question as to whether the conventional budget balance is the correct indicator of the fiscal stance however remains. It should be noted that there are several other fiscal indicators were proposed as alternatives to the conventional budget balance. These indicators are already in use successfully by international organizations such as the OECD and the IMF (Abedian and Biggs 1998). This study will aim to explore the possibility of using alternative fiscal indicators in monitoring and evaluating the sustainability of fiscal policies. A critical analysis of the actual budget balance indicates that it is not the ideal measurement instrument with regard to ascertaining the fiscal stance of a country. The term budget deficit also referred to as budget balance appears regularly in news articles, policy documents by the government that usually warn of it being very undesirable (Eisner 1999). ... The term budget deficit also referred to as budget balance appears regularly in news articles, policy documents by the government that usually warn of it being very undesirable (Eisner 1999). The budget deficit is usually blamed for several economic ills, such as high levels of inflation and discouragement of private investment (Eisner 1999). There is rarely any concrete proof produced for all these guilty assumptions. To add on to this, concerned parties pay very little attention to the objective measurement and interpretation of the budget deficit. The method of measurement of the budget balances also raises several conceptual and practical issues, which are compounded by the absence of uniformity in usage among many countries. For instance, one way of measuring the conventional budget balance is by cash basis. Another person may use the accrual/ payment order basis (Agenor and Montiel 1999). In the first instance, the balance will be the difference between fiscal revenue and total cash flow expenditure. For the second case, the balance will reflect accrued income and spending flows, regardless of whether they involve cash payments or not. The accumulation of arrears on revenue or payments is reflected by a higher balance when measured using the accrual basis as compared to the cash-based approach (Agenor and Montiel 1999). Definitions By definition, actual budget deficit is the difference between government revenues and government expenditure. Structural budget deficit is an estimation of what the government’s budget would be at full level of employment in the economy (Abedian and Biggs 1998). The cyclical budget deficit is defined as the component of
Monday, January 27, 2020
Factors of Absenteeism and Impacts on Organizations
Factors of Absenteeism and Impacts on Organizations It create a big problem in an organisation when employees misses too many days off from work and in these situations other employees have to cover their work who are off from work and the work simply does not get gone in a well manner. The company must find out that the absence is involuntarily or voluntarily because involuntarily means any kind of illness or any unavoidable reason by which the employee is unable to come on work. Voluntarily means when an employee is absent from work without any reason manager need to worry about this kind of absence of employee need to get any documentation. Some time the absence may be excessive in this case manager should compare the employees attendance record with the other employees if the record of one employee is bad then the other means he was too many days off from work then it may be excessive absenteeism. So the manager should discuss all the matter to the employees very friendly to improve the performance of the company the employees must aware of this thing that their absence is affecting others. Manager should give a written notice to the employee who is absent too many days from the work to warn him/her Basically absenteeism occurs when an employee of any organisation does not come to work due to several intentional or unintentional reasons like illness, injury, or any other habitual reason. Absenteeism affects the business in the terms of lost productivity. According to U.S. bureau of the census and U.S. bureau of labour statistic up the direct losses about $40 billion a year and social security administration determined that, annually workers missed more then half a billion days. Types of absence There are many reasons why people off from work. Some those can be categorised as: Short-range sickness absence (uncertificated, self-certificated, or covered by a doctors fit note which replaced the sick note from April 2010) Long-standing sickness absence Unofficial absence or persistent lateness Other absences: for example, annual leave; maternity, paternity, adoption, or parental leave; time off for public or trade union duties, or to care for dependents; compassionate leave; educational leave. How much does absenteeism cost your business? The workers which are absent from the work cost the business a lot and decrease the revenue of the business Especially unplanned absence from work cost a lots to business like casual sickness of employee casual absence can affect per day productivity of business. This is a common problem of organisations in every organisation employees have 5.4 unplanned absence in 1 day. According to Mercer, Absences, the total cost of absence can equal as much as 36% of payroll (compared to 15.4% for health care coverage). Of that figure, 9% accounts for unplanned absences. Planned absences, like vacations and holidays, average 26.6%. For a midsize business, this unplanned absence can account for as much as $4.5 million dollars per year. ( Employer of the business must look upon the direct and indirect expenses incurred by the employee absent from work. Direct cost are the cost which are normally paid to the employee as a benefit during the absence form work it include sick absence, paid holidays or vocations. But the real impact of the absence of employee comes in the form of indirect cost which are represented by: The absence of employee affect badly in the completion of any project or can slow it down If the employee us absent from worker the a temporary worker or the employees supervisor have to cover the work of the absent employee The absence of the employee slows but does not stop bleeding The replacement of employee is less efficient in an organisation it can be percentile as follow: 71% as efficient during unplanned incidental absences 79% as efficient during planned absences 80% as efficient during extended absences The work output of 4 to 8 co-workers was reduced by 19% Normally non attendance can cost as much as about  £1000 to business per employee every year one person is taking day off from work might be not seem like a big issue but when we add up the sum it cause the decrease in the productivity with the increased strain on other areas of the business. The fact is that it should not be taken lightly. What if you need to hire in a temporary worker to pick up the workload? What if someone who is covering the work needs to be paid overtime? What if their absence means a suggestion doesnt get in on time resulting in a lost contract? Indeed, absenteeism can take a financial toll in several companies for that matter in different respects. The most obvious cost in the sector of sick leave benefits provided that the business offers some benefits but there are many hidden costs as well. These are some hidden charges which cost to business in the case of absenteeism as follow: Lost productivity of the absent employee Overtime for other employees to fill in Decreased overall productivity of those employees Any temporary help costs incurred Possible loss of business or dissatisfied customers Problems with employee morale More over IHC estimates that 13.4 million working days a year are lost to stress, anxiety and depression, and 12.3 million to back and upper limb problems. And the overall cost to UK industry? A whopping  £11.5bn in 2002 was paid out in wages to absent employees and on additional overtime and temporary staff cover, according to the CBI. Numerous factors Taking a one-off sick may not seem a problem to the employees in a organization but they all add up to a major cost to a organization as well a industry of any country So much so that according to a report by healthcare consultancy IHC, 40 million days are lost each year in the UK to workplace absenteeism. And 93% of employees was absent from work due to colds and flu IHC says that in reality at least half of all workplace absence has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with health. People decide to stay away from the office personal or domestic issues. Motivation Many employers attempt to clear out on unwarranted absenteeism through tighter control. They ask employees to attend a meeting with their supervisor straight away upon their return to work, they demand a note from a doctor or use some other ways that targets the symptoms of absenteeism rather than its underlying causes. But the problem remains the same because they must concentrate to cut the roots of the problem the only thing that must do is to motivate. They must start by creating a relaxing an secure environment in which to communicate must create a point one where the shop floor workers can meet management without any pressure n discuss the problem which they are facing . Employers must communicate it is very important task in motivation which tell the views and happiness of everyone in the business Performance = function (ability x motivation) There are number of different views of different people that what can motivate the workers. The most common theory of Herzberg is discussed follow: Motivational Theory: Herzbergs Two Factor Theory Herzberg found many aspects of that what factors please the employees or displease the employees about their work place. He developed the motivation hygiene theory in which he called the motivators and the dissatisfiers to using hygiene term in the sense of to maintenance factors which are very important to avoid dissatisfaction. Herzberg theory of motivation was based on two factors hygienic factors and motivator factors Hygiene Factors which can demotive when the employee is not present. Hygiene Factors influence the dissatisfaction of a person, but are rarely identified as creating job satisfaction. Supervision Interpersonal relations Physical working conditions Salary Company car Security Relation with subordinates Personal life Motivation Factors which will motivate when present.  Job dissatisfaction isnt usually caused by a lack of Motivation Factors, but they are identified as the cause of job satisfaction. achievement advancement recognition responsibility work itself The factors that motivated them in the workplace These all are the factors that gave the employees an motivation to work to resultant in job satisfaction. These are also known as motivators these motivators increased the job satisfaction of the employee towards his work and further increase the efficiency Those factors that prevented job dissatisfaction These factors are those that banned the job dissatisfaction. These factors did not make the employee happy or have job satisfaction it just removed the un happiness out of working. They are also know as hygiene factors these factors effect on the efficiency of the employees or it reduce the performance of the employee in work Herzberg believed that all factors include into one of these categories and therefore had separate cost. Some factors include into both categories although they held a stronger position in one of them. Attribution theory Attribution theory suggests that we observe a persons behaviour and then try to establish whether internal or external forces caused it. If it is a judged to be internal it is seen as being under the persons control if it is judged to be external it seen as a result of the situation. Attribution is said to be subjected to a number if consideration because we judge actions in a context. For example we judge how distinctive behaviour is and whether behaviour is unusual for a particular person. If for example the person is absent from and the circumstances are that his or her attendance record is exemplary then the behaviour could be considered unusual and an external cause (that is that the behaviour is outside the control of the individual) will be attributed. If the absenteeism fits in with the general pattern of behaviour then an internal attribution will be attached (that is it will be seen as being under the persons control. We also judge how consistent the behaviour is if it is consistent then we are most likely to attribute the behaviour to internal causes. (Organisational Behaviour and Work 3rd edition Fiona M.Wilson 2010) Measurement HOW TO MEASURE ABSENTEEISM: The most clear way to measure employees absenteeism is to make records of the attendance of the employees that how many days have employee not have came to work in many companies there is some sort of clock in or accountability set up to record the attendance of the employees working there when we have the proper record then we can easily know that how many employees are ill. Another key element of measuring the absence effectively is accurate measurement and monitoring. An organisation must measure if it has a problem with the absence issue its extent and the best way to solve or control this issue. There are just a fewer organisations which have set the target to reduce the absenteeism There are different measures that can be used to calculate the absence each of the measure provides the different aspects of absence. Lost time rate This measure show the overall percentage of the total time available which has been lost due to the absence of the employees of organisation For example: 10 one-day absences: 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 1 ten-day absence: 1 x 1 x 10 = 10 5 two-day absences: 5 x 5 x 10 = 250 2 five-day absences: 2 x 2 x 10 = 40 The trigger points are normally different in many organisations. As for all types of absence, the underlying causes will need to be identified. This measure shows the percentage of total time available which has been lost due to absence of employees: Total absence (hours or days) in the period x 100 Possible total (hours or days) in the period For example, if the total absence in the period is 124 person-hours and the total time available is 1,550 person-hours, the lost time rate is: 124    x 100 = 8 % 1,550 It can be calculated separately for individual departments of the organisation or groups of employees to reveal particular absence problems. Frequency rate  The measure access the average number of absences per employee, it access as a percentage. It does not give any sign of the length of each absence period, nor any sign of employees who take more than one spell of absence: No of spells of absence in the period x 100 No of employees for example: If we take the record of organisation of one month so employed on average 80 workers, and during this time there were a total of 16 of them was absence, the frequency rate is: 16 x 100 = 20% 80 by counting the total number of workers who take at least one day absence in one period rather than the total days of absence this measurement will show the individual frequency rate Bradford Factor The Bradford Factor identifies the constant short range absence for individuals, by measuring the number of days of absence, and is therefore a useful measure of the disturbance by this type of absence. It can be calculated using the formula: S x S x D S = number of absents in 52 weeks taken by an person D = number of absents in 52 weeks taken by that person For example: 10 one-day absences: 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 1 ten-day absence: 1 x 1 x 10 = 10 5 two-day absences: 5 x 5 x 10 = 250 2 five-day absences: 2 x 2 x 10 = 40 the trigger points will be different for all of the organisations. As for all types of absence, the underlying causes will need to be identified. Steps to Control Unauthorized Absence There are different theories which explain the causes of the absence and by which we can realize that we cannot solve the casual absence issues and other types of absence but we need a comprehensive approach to reduce the issue of absenteeism. There are three steps on which the company or employers must concentrate to avoid or control the absenteeism Step 1: The employers must make a absence policy in an working order. Not only the absence policy but also they must use other systems to make sure the rules and regulations of the absenteeism policy are implemented to employees in well manner such as: We must train the manager about the cost of the absenteeism and how to overcome it Make an policy or more rules regards to reduce the money if the employees gone absent and communicate with them that how much money they have lost it will force them not to be absent without any reason but the most important thing we have to check the local legal regulation and policy before this method Must record the attendance of the employees and there should any kind of reward for the employee who was on work all the days in a period or who containing the maximum attendance let all the employees chose the winner for that We must make an absence policy align to the other policy specially which is related with the employees benefits. Such as we can create rules to not to give any kind of incentive or any loan to the employee whom attendance is not good Step 2: We must make sure the employment system and the selection system consider absence issue such as: The recruiter for employees should mention the medical and health conditions as an main concern We must make sure in interviews or in start that the candidate has an positive attitude towards the attendance importance It is very important to check not only for competency fit he must be checked for job fit which includes the interest and personality of the candidate according to the nature of the job Step 3: Some of the problem of absenteeism is related to the job problem. If there is any poor performance of any employee then we must take action: We must make the elastic working time arrangements like if employee have any kind of problem to go on Monday for domestic demands they can easily replace Monday to Saturday or any other day or if the employee attend the half day then he can work additional hours tomorrow to cover the missing hours We must put some interesting aspects in the job by enlarging the responsibilities by changing the nature of the job by making it challenging to the subordinates or by providing the additional trainings or coaching. What actions a manger should take for absence The important challenge for managers is to make people happier at work. This is a fact if the people are happy on the work then there will be less day off from work every time they wake up with a stuffy nose. Managers need to become more tuned to their employees they have to take care of several things like emotional needs and find out what really motivates them. To reduce the amount of absence they must take some good decisions: Pick the right person for job by interviewing and selecting people Give more time to or pay more attention to the applicants human side other then the qualifications. Find out what makes the employees happy and make sure about the views of them that they think positive and sure about it that job suits them Should motivate your people and coach them in different ways . As with all theories there is not even any guarantee that it will work very time but the majority employees are responsible people and if the we treat them in a good manner them they attitude towards the work will be positive manner. Mostly some of the employees need to know about their performance in the organisation if we want to really motivate them then we must give them the feedback and must guide them how they can improve their work more efficiently. Managers can make the job more interesting to employees by giving them the responsibilities, challenges, giving them new projects for work, or trainings. We should regularly communicate with them formally and informally and must involve or organize the staff meetings.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Case Analysis Study
Case Study Analysis Paper Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750-word case study analysis paper based on the University of Phoenix Material, â€Å"Case Study for Student Analysis,†located in Week Two of the COMM/215 [pic] page. Below is a detailed description explaining how to prepare a case study analysis paper. ____________________________________________________________ _________________ Typically written in narrative form, a case sets forth, in a factual manner, the events and organizational circumstances surrounding a particular managerial situation. Placing the reader at the scene of the action, the real events presented provide an opportunity to help evaluate alternative courses of action. Case analysis is used in academics to help you demonstrate your ability to evaluate situations critically, to apply concepts you have learned in a class, to solve problems, and to communicate your findings and conclusions. The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to case studies and the analysis process, and to a proper format for writing the case study analysis report. Try not to worry about trying to find the â€Å"right answer†to a case. Usually, there is no single right answer. Most cases are intentionally ambiguous and can be viewed from many different perspectives. Several feasible solutions are usually available to any give case. The best solution is the one you can best support with thoughtful analysis, logical arguments, and substantiating evidence from your research or your own experience. Your goal in analyzing a case is to provide an effective solution to the situation outlined and to support that solution with solid and persuasive evidence. Overview Analyzing a case study can take several forms, and you should check with your instructor on the specific approach or point of view that he or she recommends. For example, you might analyze the case from the perspective that you are the central character of the narrative and must provide a report of what you would do in the situation. On the other hand, you might play the role of an outside consultant hired to evaluate the situation for which you provide a report. Make sure you allow enough time for the various tasks you must perform. These tasks are listed below and explained in more detail in the following sections. (Note: When writing a case analysis as an exercise in a writing class, there will be no content-related course concepts (e. g. management or health care theories) that apply directly to the case. The objective of the assignment will be to produce a well-written analysis. You should check with your instructor to determine the expectations of content and the amount of research required. Analyzing the Case 1. Read and study the case thoroughly. 2. Define the problem(s). 3. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying key issu es and their causes. 4. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify possible solutions. 5. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you believe is best. Writing the Case Analysis 1. Determine how you want to present your views and structure your paper. 6. Produce a first draft of your case analysis. 7. Revise and edit the draft. 8. Format and proofread the final report. Analyzing the Case 1. Read and study the case thoroughly. Read the case once for familiarity with the overall situation, background, and characters involved, noting issues that you think may be important. Read the case again, and highlight all relevant facts. Make sure you understand the situation and have all the facts. Make notes about issues, symptoms of problems, root problems, unresolved issues, and the roles of key players. Watch for indications of issues beneath the surface. 9. Define the problem(s). Identify the key problems or issues in the case. Case studies often contain an overabundance of information about a particular situation, not all of which may be relevant. Do not try to analyze every fact and issue. Part of the skill of good case analysis is in determining which facts are relevant. 10. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying the key issues and their causes. Determine how to focus your analysis. Narrow the problem(s) you have identified to between two and five key issues. Do not try to examine every possible aspect of the case. Identify the most important issues that relate to the concepts you have been studying in the course (if applicable). Once you have focused on one or two key issues, try to gain a fuller understanding of their causes. Why do these problem(s) exist? What caused them? What is the effect of the problem(s) on the organization or the relationships among individuals in the organization? Who is responsible for or affected by the problem(s)? 11. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify possible solutions. (See previous note regarding writing a case analysis as an exercise in a writing class. This section is included so that you become familiar with the application of case studies in context of applying content-related course concepts. ) a. Identify and apply one or more concepts discussed in class, covered in your readings, or learned from your own experience that would apply to the case and provide some insight or guidance in solving the problem(s). b. Review your notes from c lass discussions and your texts and other readings in the course, conduct outside research, and use your own knowledge and experience to decide what concepts, theories, or ideas could be relevant. 2. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you believe best reflects the findings from your analysis. Make certain you can support the solution you choose with solid evidence from your case analysis. Weigh the pros and cons of each alternative. Which solution is the most feasible? Make certain you can defend that solution. Now you are ready to proceed to the next stepâ€â€determining how to present your ideas and structure your paper. Writing the Case Analysis Written case analyses are short, structured reports. Usually, the instructor will ask for between two and ten typed pages, depending upon the complexity of the case. Some case studies are assigned as individual efforts; others are group projects. Still others may be a partial group effort, with the group collaborating in the analysis and each individual student being asked to prepare a separate written analysis. Your task, in writing your case analysis, is to combine aspects of the case and key issues with your perceptions and supported opinions. You must then examine alternatives, choose the most viable solution, and provide evidence to support your views. You obtain this evidence from class discussions, your text readings, outside research, and your personal experiences. 1. Determine how you want to present your views and structure your paper. Most case studies follow a prescribed format and structure and can vary depending upon the course in which it is used, such as those discussed next. Check with your instructor regarding his or her preference as to the sections of the case study analysis report. Case study analyses are written as reports with headings, not as essays. The report should clearly identify the relevant sections for the reader. . Title page Use standard APA format to develop a title page. b. Introduction Determine a thesis. Summarize, in one sentence, the principal outcome of your analysis. This is the thesis for your report and should be clearly stated in the first few paragraphs. The introduction identifies the central problem. c. Background Take the central problem, and place it in a context for the reader providing background information about the case. Do not reiterate or rehash the facts stated in the case. Rather, place the case in a research context. The background section demonstrates to the reader that you have conducted research, either academically or in the field, regarding the types of problems that the case study describes. Be sure that your written presentation focuses your diagnosis of the problems on the most important issues. d. Key Problems This is where you identify your thoughts about the problems that exist. It is considered a very important part of the report. Start with the â€Å"who-when-where-what-why-how†typical questions (Gerson & Gerson, 2002). Ask yourself here as you ponder the situation: â€Å"What are the problems at this company? There certainly is usually more than one problem. Identify the ones you see as being instrumental to the success of the company or its project. e. Alternatives Now that you have conducted research and placed the problem(s) into a context, you will have informed choices about the alternative solutions to the problem(s). You are not expected to analyze all possible alter natives. However, you should have considered several alternatives when you formed your opinion about the case. Discuss these alternatives and why you rejected them in determining your solution to the case. Why are these viable alternatives? What are the constraints (e. g. money, time, personnel, resources) imposed and the reason that you do not recommend the alternative at this time? f. Proposed Solution Discuss your proposed solution providing support with solid evidence. Generally, you should only provide one proposed solution. Keep in mind that in the context of the case study, the characters or company can only start on one solution at a time. Which one do you propose and why? Justify why this solution is the best option through a logical argument supported by research. The proposed solution should be specific and realistic. g. Recommendations If appropriate, you may conclude your written analysis with a discussion of the implications of the problems you identified on the functioning of the organization or on the relationship among individuals in the case. You may also want to make recommendations for further action that might be taken to resolve some of these issues. Be specific about what should be done and who should do it. This section discusses specific strategies that the individuals in the case can do to accomplish the proposed solution. Check with your instructor as to whether this section should be included in your case analysis report. 13. Produce a first draft of your case analysis. 14. Revise and edit the draft. 15. Format and proofread the final report. Case study reports are written in a structured format, not as essays. Case study reports usually contain an Executive Summary that contains brief summaries of the Introduction, Background, and Proposed Solution sections of your report. The Executive Summary provides a quick, easy-to-read summary of these three main parts of the case study. Check with your instructor to see if he or she requires an Executive Summary to be included with your report. ) Tips for formatting the final report: a. If an Executive Summary is to be included, it should be single-spaced with relevant headings identifying the sections. The Executive Summary should summarize those sections of the report, and not contain any information not discussed by the report. b. The case study analysis s hould be written as a structured report, with relevant headings. The case study analysis is not an essay. 16. Include any relevant appendices and references in a proper APA format.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Biological theories Essay
The article Alleged king hitter’s criminal record revealed details the alleged assault against a youth in Sydney’s Kings Cross, which subsequently resulted in his death. Shaun McNeil has been charged with murdering the youth, and the article reveals that he previously had a number of assault-related criminal convictions. The incident has been followed by intense campaigning for tougher laws and heavier penalties for those convicted of alcohol-induced violence. Cesare Lombroso’s ‘born criminal’ theory articulated that some individuals experience a primitive form of development that is ultimately less evolved than those of non-criminals (Bernard et al 2010, p. 38). Applying the theory of biological indicators of criminal behaviour to all cases of criminal incidences may be problematic. Modern criminologists have generally rejected the notion that biological factors alone can be used to explain criminal behaviour, as it is difficult to ascertain whether biological factors and criminality have a genuine causal relationship (Roque et al 2012, p. 306). As such, biological theories may be more persuasive when considered in correlation with environmental factors. The environmental factor most relevant to the case of McNeil is alcohol consumption. While there are many possible relationships between violence and alcohol, one of the most convincing explanations is an increase in aggression due to the alcohol-induced reduction of serotonin in the brain (Bernard et al 2010, p. 53). It is likely that alcohol consumption in this case was a contributing factor to the assault. McNeil’s prior criminal convictions are also noteworthy, as there may be a correlation between past violent outbursts and the consumption of alcohol. It is arguable that ‘the acute and chronic effects of alcohol on committing more aggravated assault imply that once a person becomes a violent offender, either drinking before offending or high average alcohol consumption constitute a probable cause for additional violent acts’ (Zhang et al 1997, p. 127 0). Crimes that have some biological basis can be difficult to manage if law and order policies attempt to address the biological factors alone. Addressing the environmental factors that contribute to these crimes is likely to be the most effective approach. Crimes such as this may be managed through the restriction of alcohol sales, a measure that has already been put in place by the New South Wales government. More specifically, such measures should be targeted at high-risk locations, including areas that contain a significant amount of bars and nightclubs and attract a large amount of young people. References: Bernard, T, Snipes, J & Gerould, A 2010, Vold’s Theoretical Criminology, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Rocque, M, Welsh, B & Raine, A 2012, ‘Biosocial criminology and modern crime prevention’, Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 306-312. Ross, C 2014, ‘Alleged king hitter’s criminal record revealed’, Nine News, 4 January, viewed 17 March 2014, Zhang, L, Wieczorek, W & Welt, J 1997, ‘The nexus between alcohol and violent crime’, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1264-1271.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Art During The Middle Ages - 1243 Words
Art during the Italian Renaissance differed from art during the Middle Ages. The two have contrasting characteristics and concepts. In the Middle Ages the subject of almost all European art was religion, specifically. Although Renaissance artists continued to paint religious paintings and portraits of individuals, they also focused on the details of everyday life. They also used new techniques such as sfumato, chiaroscuro and perspective. The artists of the Italian Renaissance expressed the ideals of the time period through their work with the technique of perspective, the method of chiaroscuro, and the types of paintings they painted. Artists of the Italian Renaissance era expressed the ideals of their time using a technique called perspective. In painting, perspective was the great innovation of the Renaissance. Using mathematics, artists discovered how to produce, on a flat, two dimensional surface, the three dimensional view seen in reality. Objects and figures in the painting are positioned so that the space of the painting seemed to recede, moving backward toward a central vanishing point. Renaissance artists rediscovered and greatly expanded their knowledge on linear perspective, vanishing point and horizon line. Linear perspective means changing a painting. An example of this is looking through a window and painting exactly what you see on the pane. Instead of every object being the same size, objects farther away from you would have been drawn smaller, as thingsShow MoreRelatedVisual Art During The Middle Ages And The Renaissance1013 Words  | 5 PagesIWT1 TASK1 Visual Art in The Middle Ages and The Renaissance The Middle Ages spanned from 400 to 1400 A.D. During this period, often referred to as the Medieval Period, began after the fall of the Roman Empire. 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