Sunday, May 24, 2020
35 Common Prefixes in English
If you were a prefix, you could change the same word in different ways.You could make a cycle a unicycle, a bicycle, or a tricycle.(Marcie Aboff and Sara Gray, If You Were a Prefix. Picture Window Books, 2008) A prefix is a letter or a group of letters attached to the beginning of a word (or word root) that partly indicates its meaning. For example, the word prefix itself begins with the prefix pre-, which generally means before or in front of. (By contrast, a letter or group of letters attaching to the end of a word is called a suffix.) Many of todays English words contain prefixes from Greek or Latin. Understanding the meanings of the most common prefixes can help us deduce the definition of new words that we run across in our reading, especially knowing that they can make a word mean its opposite, such as the difference between possible and impossible.Still, we do need to be careful. The same prefix may be ​spelled in more than one way (pre- and pro-, for instance), and some prefixes (such as in-) have more than one meaning (in this case, not or without versus in or into). Even so, being able to recognize prefixes can help us build our vocabularies. To Hyphenate or Not? Rules vary as to when a word should have a hyphen separating it from its prefix. Go by the dictionary if you are unsure. If you are writing a paper for a class and a particular style guide is used, such as MLA, the Chicago Manual of Style, or APA, the stylebook may have a hyphenation guide or a preferred dictionary to follow for which words to hyphenate and which to close up. If a prefix is attached to a proper noun, you generally hyphenate, such as pre-World War II or anti-American. The following table defines and illustrates 35 common prefixes. Common Prefixes Prefix Meaning Examples a-, an- without, lack of, not amoral, acellular, abyss, achromatic, anhydrous ante- before, earlier, in front of antecedent, antedate, antemeridian, anterior anti- against, opposite of anticlimax. antiaircraft, antiseptic, antibody auto- self, same autopilot, autobiography, automobile, autofocus circum- around, about circumvent, circumnavigate, circumscribe co- with, together co-pilot, co-worker, co-exist, co-author com-, con- together, with companion, commingle, contact, concentrate contra-, contro- against, opposite contradict, contrast, contrary, controversy de- down, off, away from devalue, deactivate, debug, degrade, deduce dis- not, apart, away disappear, disagreeable, disbar, dissect en- put into, cover with enclose, entangle, enslave, encase ex- out of, from, former extract, exhale, excavate, ex-president extra- beyond, outside, more than extracurricular, extramarital, extravagant hetero- different, other heterosexual, heterodox, heterogeneous homo-, homeo- same, alike homonym, homophone, homeostasis, homosexual hyper- over, more, beyond hyperactive, hypersensitive, hypercritical il-, im-, in-, ir- not, without illegal, immoral, inconsiderate, irresponsible in- in, into insert, inspection, infiltrate inter- between, among intersect, interstellar, intervene, interpenetrate intra-, intro- within, inside intravenous, intragalactic, introvert macro- large, prominent macroeconomics, macrostructure, macrocosm micro- very small microscope, microcosm, microbe mono- one, single, alone monocle, monologue, monogamy, monotony non- not, without nonentity, nonaggressive, nonessential, nonfiction omni- all, every omniscient, omnivorous, omniscient, omnidirectional post- after, behind postmortem, posterior, postscript, postoperative pre-, pro- before, forward precede, predict, project, prologue sub- under, lower submarine, subsidiary, substandard sym-, syn- same time, together symmetry, symposium, synchronize, synapse tele- from or over a distance telecommunications, telemedicine, television, telephone trans- across, beyond, through transmit, transaction, translation, transfer tri- three, every third tricycle, trimester, triangle, triathlon un- not, lacking, opposite of unfinished, unskilled, ungraceful, unfriendly uni- one, single unicorn, unicellular, unicycle, unilateral up- to the top or north, higher/better upbeat, updo, upgrade, upload, uphill, upstage, upscale, up-tempo
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis of The Moose Essay examples - 1406 Words
Analysis of The Moose Elizabeth Bishops The Moose is a narrative poem of 168 lines. Its twenty-eight six-line stanzas are not rigidly structured. Lines vary in length from four to eight syllables, but those of five or six syllables predominate. The pattern of stresses is lax enough almost to blur the distinction between verse and prose; the rhythm is that of a low-keyed speaking voice hovering over the descriptive details. The eyewitness account is meticulous and restrained. The poem concerns a bus traveling to Boston through the landscape and towns of New Brunswick. While driving through the woods, the bus stops because a moose has wandered onto the road. The appearance of the animal interrupts the peaceful hum of elderly†¦show more content†¦The thirty-six-line introduction is the most sustained piece of writing in the poem. It forms a sequence of red-leaved and purple Canadian landscapes through which the blue bus journeys. Then, in smaller units, for another thirty-six lines the bus route is reviewed, main stops mentioned, and further details concerning the passengers, the weather, and the scenic sights duly recorded. Day is replaced by evening, and light gives way to darkness. The eleventh stanza brings in a climactic moment of equilibrium and economy of design. Beginning with the thirteenth stanza, the first quotes are used, as they will again be in the twentieth, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth, and, finally, in the twenty-seventh stanza. Stanza 14â€â€the moonlight episodeâ€â€is the very center of the poem. This section is rhymeless, though this is amply compensated for by the triple epithets in the third line, and it marks the transition from the outer, natural world to the inner, human concerns of the second part of the work, which includes lines 85-129. Usually unchronicled and unheroic human tragedy receives an indirect presentation, culminating with the moving and dramatically rendered twentieth stanza. The third part of the poem begins, appropriately, in mid-stanza with line 130. The encounter with the mooseâ€â€the climax of the entire poemâ€â€is allotted two descriptive stanzas (the twenty-fourth and the twenty-sixth). The remaining two stanzas form a kind of a coda,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Bull Moose By Alden Nowlan959 Words  | 4 Pagesforests and food sources essential to survive causing animals to patrol areas once believed to be wilderness. This situation occurs in â€Å"The Bu ll Moose†by Alden Nowlan, the moose after traveling stumbles upon a farm, experiencing fatigue the moose rests. While resting, the townspeople gazed upon him and interact with him like a domesticated animal. As the moose stands its ground, the officer takes aim and fire his rifle. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Research Proposal Sample on Vodafone Uk Customer Satisfaction Free Essays
In the business industry, it is important to gather customer to make the product and services sold. Therefore, keeping a customer is difficult in the business when it is in the starting stage. A business will find it harder to find prospective and loyal customer when operating abroad. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal Sample on Vodafone Uk Customer Satisfaction or any similar topic only for you Order Now And because of the economic problem that many countries are facing now, another challenge was revived; how to keep the customer? The Customer Satisfaction The customer satisfaction is a business term that measures how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy1. Every business’s mission is making the customers as their first priority. In accordance to this, the business must fill or serve the satisfaction of their customers according to what preferences that the market is demanding for. For an instance, if the business is in the food industry and the customers’ wants different variations of soup then, the management must look forward to create sumptuous dishes. Some business use different approach in leading their customers in the satisfactory stage like making special for their valued customer or raffle promo or making a sale for some products, anything that will catch the customers’ attention and at the end bringing the profit and customers’ trusts. The business literally promotes their product with the use of their customer because if one customer felt great to their product or enjoyed the service, he/she will make it on the broadcast among with their friends. The value of customers in the business is very high thus; the business needs to find impressions to keep them coming back to their establishment. In the case of finding such market in the other country, is like finding a needle in a vast gassy meadow. It is hard when the business is new to the eye of the customers. It is hard when the business is not prepared in approaching the customers well. It is hard when the business has many competitors in the area. The need for adjustment is highly acceptable. And because of these issues that surround the business industry, the proper guidance is highly appreciated. The Vodafone case can be a basis in catching the customer’s interest. The Vodafone Vodafone UK has more than 17 million customers and is part of the world’s largest mobile community. Vodafone’s leadership in mobile voice and data communications has continued, thanks largely to its focus on developing its brand and customer experience2. In this big company, reaching the respect of the customers is not new to them. Most especially, the Vodafone is a technology-based business and the impact of acceptance is expectedly high. But even a good business like Vodafone still needs to assess their customers and answer every question of their customer. They also consider many opinions and suggestion coming from their customers so that, the evidence in the growing customer acceptance make their gross reach the highest every year. However, the challenge is still there in every kind of business. Customer’s Challenge Vodafone is constantly looking for new ways to drive interaction and enhance the service that we offer to our customers, while at the same time making the life of our people simpler and more rewarding. However, Vodafone recognized that it was not differentiating the needs of its in-store customers or allocating store employees according to their areas of expertise. This meant waiting times could be lengthy and the level of service provided varied on the store employee’s area of expertise. So, Vodafone introduced a re-branding program aimed at improving the customer journey in store, as well as differentiating Vodafone from its competitors. Based on the macro planning principles of â€Å"Organize me, Engage me†, the key components of the refit included greater automation in-store, the option for self-service through kiosks, and footfall counters to track the volume of customers in-store and optimize the customer flow. Benefits to the Customer †¢ Improve the customer experience – customers now have more time to browse the store and choose how to purchase, so everyone benefits from faster and more efficient service, in a more relaxed atmosphere. This has led to a considerable uplift in customer satisfaction. Increase performance – optimized stores outperform other stores. Average contract volumes have increased with average upgrade volumes also increasing. †¢ Minimize business disruption – systems availability is enhanced, with a substantial reduction in support calls and improvement in first time fixes, increasing sales opportunities †¢ Maximize profit margins – self-serv ice significantly reduces the cost of sale especially amongst core pre-pay customers †¢ Enhance productivity – automation of commodity purchases enables faster transaction times and frees up resources to help other customers. The number of customers leaving stores without seeing an advisor is also declining †¢ Reduce support costs – tailoring services and removing duplicate effort and resources has cut costs, while increasing the overall level of support †¢ Optimize resource deployment – increased management information, such as customer numbers, waiting times and sales conversion figures, is helping to track and measure the customer experience in-store and enable staffing roles to be prepared to reflect store and customer requirements. The Business Case for Measuring Impacts The nature of multinational business is complex, shaped by globalization and rapid socio-economic and political change. Sustainability issues are increasingly contributing to this complexity, not least climate change, resource constraints, endemic poverty and ecosystem degradation. Committing to create a more sustainable and inclusive form of globalization and the following are the key objectives3: †¢ Develop a deeper understanding of how global issues such as poverty, the environment, demographic change and globalization affect individual companies and sectors; †¢ Use the understanding of these issues to search for more inclusive business solutions that help to address the issues at both a local and global scale; †¢ Align core business strategies with the solutions identified; †¢ Incorporate long-term measures into the definition of success, targeting profitability that is sustainable and supported by a responsible record in managing social, environmental and employment matters. The Business in Developing Countries Companies recognize the risks and opportunities their operations face in developing countries and the important role they play in influencing change. They rely on transparent legal systems, access to markets and infrastructure services, social stability, healthy and skilled employees and suppliers, as well as consumers willing and able to purchase their products and services. While these conditions are critical for business growth and success, the benefits resulting from the presence of multinational business and the associated in-flows of capital may not reach all sectors of society. The consequence can be a thriving middle and upper class while the low-income segment gets left behind. This can lead to strained relations between business and the communities associated with their activities, increased scrutiny from civil society organizations and greater levels of political pressure from local and national governments, all of which can increase commercial risks for investors3. Conclusion The importance of customer in one business can affect the operation of a multinational company most especially in the developing countries. The success of a multinational company can make an additional growth in their own economy. Getting the heart of the customers are essential to keep the business moving. Although there are many factors that can affect a business that is new in the face of the foreign country, the main strategy that the study can add is to look for a customer that has a same nationality of the business. For example, the American business is new to Japan, therefore, the business should target their very own race first before entering the Japanese culture and became part of their life. References: 1.     Gitman, L; McDaniel, C., (2005). The Future of Business: The Essentials. Mason, Ohio: South-Western. ISBN 0324320280. 2.     Vodafone Case in Customer Satisfaction (n.d.). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug 2009]. 3.     Impact: Beyond the Bottom Line (2008). WBCBD. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug 2009]. Read more: How to cite Research Proposal Sample on Vodafone Uk Customer Satisfaction, Essays
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Metabical for Advertizing Techniques and Media- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMetabical for Advertizing Techniques and Media. Answer: Overview Introduction of a new product into the market needs well-structured market positioning plan and communications strategy. The report was about the introduction of Metabical, a new drug for weight loss. The drug had undergone through extensive testing and was found to be more effective than the existing drug in the market. Due to the need to promote the drug using extensive marketing approaches, the marketing director Printup in conjunction with the sales director identified an urge to develop a good market positioning and communications for the new brand. This involved looking at the consumer behavior and a number of marketing communications factors. A number of promotion techniques, advertizing techniques and media, market research techniques, and other essential marketing communication approaches had been evaluated. The Decision Making Process and Sales Team The decision making process had involved identifying the problem which may exist in the promotion of Metabical to the target consumer, defining of the main issues, determining options or alternatives, evaluating the various options, selecting from the available options the best and optimal solution then putting that into action. The top managementas the main decision maker devised a plan that could be executed by the sales representatives which had the main objective to create product awareness, to guarantee high quality and customer satisfaction, to help achieve product positioning. The decision making was centralized so as to achieve better communication and ensure effective coordination and control. It also engaged promotion management decision making decision making technique which relied on the experience of the marketing director and on evidence drawn from the marketing research. Information was made available at all cost so as to ensure everything was done as per the set obje ctives. The sole target consumer was the overweight individuals but the target audience was the general public which was found to be concerned with weight loss. Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior There are at least six demographic attributes that are considered for market segmentation of not only Metabical, but any new product. They included; age, sex, marital status, education level, occupation profession, and household income. By grouping the target customers in this manner, it becomes easier to know how to strategize the marketing communication plan. A number of the targeted customers are the young people (a higher percentage are young women and those that are single) since they were found to be more concerned with their weight. The company however developed a promotional mix which involved covering the entire target audience while grouping the audience into the target customers using those attributes mentioned above. Segmentation is further achieved by not only looking at the demographic attributes but also the geo-demographic attributes and the psychographics. For instance, one can argue that its important to look at the purchasing behavior as a way of segmenting people by the way they live, geo-demographic; Or, by the interests of the people such as their lifestyle and opinions, psychographics. The procedure on market segmentation involved analyzing the consumer product relationships; the bases of segmentation; developing a positioning plan; selecting a segmentation strategy; and designing a marketing mix. Differential Advantage In order to ensure that CSP had positioned its Metabical brand more effectively, it was required to evaluate the market structure by evaluating the competitive advantage. The second thing was to evaluate the most effective consumer segmentation strategy. It was also considered essential to carry out surveys, interviews and in general research so as to come up with the consumer perception of the product in relation with the competitors products. CSP also embarked on evaluating and communicating the benefits associated with the product. Positioning Strategy In order to position an effective product positioning for Metabical, its very essential to position the brand using the positioning by attributes approach. This is important because the target consumer tends to look at the benefits and product features. The customers are more concerned with the contents of the product and whether it can achieve what we say it does. Different attributes can be combined such as having the ability to reduce calories and also increase the metabolism rate for enhancing longer life. With this kind of strategy, its necessary to have a consumer-driven communication strategy. However, it needs marketing communications tools to attract and engage with the consumers of the clients. Based on the selected strategy and the sales costs associated with marketing of the product, the estimated budget can help in meeting the performance goals. Marketing Mix and Timeline Its very important to have a marketing communication strategy which is a mix strategy comprising of advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling. The timeline would be 12 month timeline. In order to build this timeline, the first step that was taken into consideration was the setting of the strategy. It also followed that a typical message that the product promotion could carry is determined. The various activities are scheduled in monthly basis and a timeline is set for each element mentioned in the strategy. Within this 12 month timeline, various communications both internal and external should be well programmed. The success of the strategy is measured using some metrics and benchmarks.
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