Tuesday, October 1, 2019
People often complain about life in the U.S. Essay
People complain when most of their needs are not met. The irony of it lies when complaints are just piled up without any further insights on how to solve such problems. In the long run, complaints become a part of the lifestyle of people who are good at pointing at the loopholes most especially of the government, and of the leaders. As there would always be a reason for every action that is done, and for every result that is produced, man is also by nature never contented. Furthermore, the will to seek for the ‘best’ is always an intention to make life worth living. Power, fame, and money tops the priority of why people choose the option of fulfilling their daily agenda from dusk ‘til dawn. Although, with the exception of the few who does their work for the common people’s welfare and interest. It may also be considered a selfish ambition to seek good only for one’s self advantage and leave or ignore others behind while they struggle for the well being of everyone. From birth, the very basics of life are taught –following instructions, and that it is in the individual’s prerogative to obey, and afterwards reap the consequences of such actions. On the other hand, citizens do have their obligations and responsibilities. From simple instructions of following the rules and regulations or by becoming a â€Å"law abiding citizen†then, at least one is a big step ahead of fulfilling his obligations and responsibilities. Other concerns such as the payment of taxes for which some would dare not to are obligations that are intentionally forgotten. These are just simple, and few to mention that when taken for granted are enough reasons for making a citizen’s life fluctuate. Self-examination is important and should be carried before bursting in dismay the various injustices committed by the government and by the leaders or officials. For whatever reasons people complain about life in the U. S. is according to their own generalization and judgement on whatever situation or experiences they are basing it. On the other hand, a patriot will readily and passionately criticize his government when it is evil, corrupt, and infamous; and that refusing to do so is considered treason. It is the duty of every citizen to criticize, censure and scourge the political fiends that pretend to serve the public when those villainous brutes serve only tyranny, greed, hatred, and prejudice. In addition, complaints may have been germinated and nurtured from the compost heap of tyranny, imperialism, and international widespread liberal acts of butchery, despotism, and horror. The exposure of such a regime and its operations has become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms, which a country is supposed to represent. On the other hand, as a citizen who loves his country, his nation or his homeland, such complaints should be put aside and instead â€Å"take part†in the reforms that are taking place and â€Å"be a part†of whatever changes that will occur. For what would one gain complaining against the government – it only leads to further chaos and destruction that would later affect the stability of a country. Instead, an action of commitment is necessary for a change. Citizens cannot be required to take part in the political process, and they are free to express their dissatisfaction by not participating. However, without the lifeblood of citizens’ action, there can be no hope of making life much better. Teamwork is at its best when everyone participates in the fulfillment of such goals and objectives. For this reason, citizens play a very major role in the development of a country or a nation. Their â€Å"actions†speak â€Å"louder†when joined in one voice for the rehabilitation and development of their country. Most often, people are only joined on an aftermath, citing the 9/11 as an example. World leaders were heard on radio and seen on television joining against terrorism as worldwide threat to political-economic progress of every state or nation. Citizens therefore, should not take their responsibilities only as an option but as a mandate for which they should put into action and make commitments. US enjoy a government whereby the supreme power lies in the body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them. In which case, election of public officials is the most visible and common form of participation for which people could exercise their genuinity as citizens. However, there are problems faced by the electorate before and during election that would stop or make them have a second thought in casting their votes. Thus, the agenda of â€Å"making life better†by taking part in the election is at stake. Needless to say, as a citizen who loves his country, taking part on a crucial endeavor is worth an honor for standing on such beliefs and life principles – taking part for the better. In other areas, opportunities in which to participate to be able to have a part in the development and rehabilitation of a country and make it a better place to live is to take advantage of joining a host of private organizations, associations, and volunteer groups. For which many of these are concerned with issues of public policy and pay close attention to public opinion, making every effort to widen their base of support as they seek simultaneously to educate the public and influence government policies. The right of individuals to associate freely and to organize themselves into different sorts of nongovernmental groups is fundamental in shaping a better society, a better environment. When people of common interest band together, their voices can be heard and their chances of influencing the political debate increases. As there are no perfect leaders and perfect government that provides and meets the demands and expectations of its citizens, there are the advantages of opportunities vested upon the people to exercise their civil rights whenever it is necessary and while maintaining public order and countering attempts that ignites violence. Every circumstance that an individual faces everyday is a part of the spices of life that one should face courageously. That with his body, mind, and his character, should consider it as strengths for further growth and development. To make life better entails a long practice of patience and humility from which one could invest and influence others to follow. History records of people who have done it, and were able to successfully pursue their agendas after a long historic battle. Furthermore, citizens have the option of either to criticize and act, or to criticize and watch how complaints get piled and returns like a boomerang that backfires. It takes time, effort and most often investing money to make a goal successful. However in the long run, it pays an action for a legacy worthy for future generations. As the world advances, and so do the expectations of every individual, of every citizen. In addition, as government leaders occupy government offices from time to time, new agenda are always sought. Accordingly, to the best interest of the people! Whosoever leads, citizens’ action makes a difference when joined with a common goal – to make life better. REFERENCES: Felkins, Leon. â€Å"How to Avoid Wasting Your Vote†. The Election. 26 May 1996. 19 http://www. spectacle. org/1096/felkins. html Kettenhofen, Colleen. â€Å"Difficult People: Dealing with Difficult People 101†. Beyond Better Communications. 19 March 2007 http://www. livingbeyondbetter. com/difficult101. html â€Å"Politics, Economicsc, and Pluralism†. USINFO. STATE. GOV. 19 March 2007 http://usinfo. state. gov/products/pubs/whatsdem/whatdm8. htm
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